Chapter 3

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I helped mum clean the table and then went to watch the game Harold was playing. I'm not that big of a football fan but I do enjoy the game.

"C'mon c'mon c'mon!!"
I anxiously said as the team Harold was playing with went all the way towards the goal zone and was about to score.

I yelled which made my mum freak out and dad to jump in excitement with me.

"They scored!! They actually scored!!"
Dad was thrilled.

"Dad they can win this! They really can!!"
I jumped up and down while mum stared at me as if I were some kind of a freak show.

"Screw them they scored back."
I said bummed, 20 minutes later.

"It's okay honey, 15 more minutes 'till the end of the game, we can make this ti a win."
Dad tried to cheer me up.

Soon, the game was over and they both scored 1 goal each. It's still a good score though considering that our team was playing against the national winning team. I thought it was a fair game, and a fair score. But I'm sure Harold didn't.

"Nice game bro! Text me when you get this cx"
I tried to make him feel better, I didn't expect him to reply anytime soon but oddly he did about 10 minutes later.

"There was nothing nice about it. And don't call me bro."

I literally stared at my phone for like 5 minutes, what the hell was wrong with him?

"Ummm, okay? I get that you wanted to win this but you don't have to act like this."

"I'm fine. The game isn't all what's pissing me off at the moment."

"What else is pissing you off? Me?"
It was supposed to be a joke, but somehow it was true.

"Yes. Now please I have to have a talk with the team and shower."
He then texted me and disappeared.


I called her instantly.

"Hey you didn't have enough time to ruin your life it hasn't been long since we've talked!"
She joked.

"Nat Harold is a dick."

"Holy shit what happened?"

That was when I told her about the game and the messages.

"Trololol you called him bro."
She laughed really hard.

"Nat this isn't a time to joke! So what if I did? HE IS MY BRO! HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND REMEMBER!"
I started raising my voice at this point.

"Dude you do realize that he doesn't consider you as a sis right?"
She sarcastically said laughing.

"Natalie I swear I'll come and chock you to death."

"Go ahead, I'll prepare snacks and coffee."

"I'm on my way."
I said hanging up then putting a coat over my PJ, I wasn't willing to change.

"Mum I'm going to Nat's house."
I said reaching for the car keys I left on the counter next to the door.

"At this time?"
She asked as if it were 1:00 when actually it was 21:00.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2017 ⏰

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