Chapter 2

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As soon as I got home Harold, my boy best friend called.

Let me tell you a thing or two about Harold, I had a thing for him about a year ago. I was severely crushing over him, but then for some reason we lost contact and he stopped texting me and I got busy with school and stuff, so my feelings just faded away. But now that we're back in touch I kind of feel butterflies when I get his texts. But get this, he has a girlfriend. Sandy. He once said that he needed to admit something to me, but didn't precisely say what or even hint. I had a feeling though that he was going to confess his love to me, that's why I started developing new feelings towards him, however up until now he still didn't spit a word. He promised me he'd tell me next week though. But the thing is, he's still dating Sandy. I don't know what is wrong with him, he told me he broke up with her, yet all of his friends keep talking about them as if they are together. It pisses the shit out of me because I know he's lying to me, and me being me I confronted him, yet he had enough courage to come up with a retarded excuse, saying that they broke up but their friends don't know yet, because if they did then their 'squad' would break into two teams. How childish and immature. I hate shallow idiots they get on my nerves.

Anyway, back to that text.

"Hey gorgeous, how was your day?"

I swear if anyone saw the way we text he would have never guessed that we're only best friends.

"Hey, it was fine I guess, I went to Natalie's house and we talked about a couple of stuff. How was yours? Did you meet with the team?"

Harold was the captain of the football team, soccer for all my American readers.

Anyway he was more passionate about football than he was towards anything else, except me. He once told me he loved me more than he loved the ball and knowing him that meant something.

"Yeah, we have a game tonight. Care to wish me luck?"

"Of course love, best of luck. I genuinely hope you get wherever the hell you want."

"Even if wherever I wanna be is in your arms?"

"Even there."

For some reason I gave myself permission to send him that. And for some reason it felt right. I know that I shouldn't have done that because Sandy exists even though I hate her and think that she's a slut, but I did. This isn't the only time we flirted. Ever since he told me there was something he wanted to confess and we've been like this. Maybe he thinks I already got the message. But if he's into me why is he still with Sandy you ask? I don't know either.

Natalie's point of view is that he's with her because she's his plan B, if things didn't work out between him and me he'd have her because he wouldn't bet on me actually going out with him, and he's kind of afraid of being alone. So he feels like he always needs a girlfriend or simply a person to love. He's fucking sick I know.

Anyway I saluted my mum and went to my room to take a hot shower then carry on with planning my vacation. This Christmas break was going to be special, I just knew it.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?"

An odd number texted me, I didn't know who it was.

"Whatever I'm doing I don't think you're a part of it, or else I would've at least saved your number."

Maybe I am a jerk after all. But hey a random number texting you asking about your plans I wasn't simply going to tell him/her Oh hey yeah I'm going bowling wanna join? He/she may be a serial killer!

"I'm very sorry ma'am wrong number."

That's what I thought you freaking creep.

For a moment there I thought that this would be one of those times where you go on a blind date and fall in love and then get married and have 3 children all named Ashley or Joe. Sadly I'm not a very 'romantic' person.

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