Chapter 3: Newer friends

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"Meet Aban and Stupid" Alice introduced me to some people.

"Yeah I know them. But I never knew your name was Stupid." I said stifling a giggle. Then I saw the look on his face, like he was going to punch me in the nose.

"I didn't mean your name was stupid. I mean, your name is Stupid, but not stupid." He still had that look.

"Like Stupid is not a stupid name, if that's what you're thinking." I smiled.

"Yeah, no kidding." Aban said.
"Stupid is a stupid name. Who bears that?"

"Uhh.. The dude's mad, I'm trying to bail myself out here." I suggested to Aban.

"Oh please. Stupid's always mad. I mean why wouldn't he? Everyone calls him Stupid."

"I'm really sorry." I said to Stupid. Now I feel bad I have to use his name while narrating the story, like I actually mean he's stupid. Okay he is Stupid. Stupid smiled for the first time.

"It's okay. I get that every time. You're in no position to judge anyways, you're the nerd dude" Stupid said.

I shrank at his voice. It was deep, coarse. Like if you imagined a crocodile talking. I did worse when I heard the expression nerd dude. I mean both these guys were nerds too, you could see it written boldly on their faces. Plus, they wore those large, googly specs I talked of before. These guys were the clear examples of the word nerd but I don't get why I'm nerdier to people than them.

"Way to go Stupid, the nerd." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey you just called me stupid, and I didn't take offence." Stupid smiled.

"Because you are Stupid!" I stressed.

"Say something to make them stop!" Aban yelled to Alice.

"I love watching boys fight. They look like idiots." Alice laughed.

Stupid and I stopped arguing and looked at her. She stopped laughing.

"Is someone gonna retaliate or what?" She asked, still laughing.

"Nerds don't have any humour." I suggested.

"Hey that was funny!" Aban said smiling. "A big break for nerds all around the world!"

"Okay kids, that's it. Why are we here?" Stupid asked.

"Because you boys have to get to know yourselves. This dude is super smart! And I know you like smart, it makes you...less stupid." Alice said, first suggesting me to Stupid, and then laughing after the last part of her sentence.

"Can you quit the stupid talk already?" Stupid was getting furious.

"Time to not be funny about stupid names. Stupid's really mad here." Aban said.

"That's it. You just called my name stupid, and I'm not gonna stand for that." Stupid said leaving.

"Hey man, wait. But Stupid is your name!" Aban yelled, chasing stupid.

"How do you put up with them?" I asked Alice.

"I don't. They don't act all Aban and Stupid when I'm around, I mean, Frank's always there to keep everyone serious when I am. So I don't put up with them, they put up with me." She explained.

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