Chapter 4

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Luna's POV 

Scarlet dont fuck this up I yell while drinking.Luna why are you getting drunk right now?!?!?!Y/N yells at me.Cuz I want to.I say.Luna-Nii,Didnt you tell me you used to have a little sister thats the same age as me?Wendy aks me.Yeah and she had a cloud shaped birth mark on the back of her neck.I replied.My eyes start to flicker between purple and my normal color,I go in the hall to sit and I see another vision,I see.......MOTHERGLARE?Why,Why is motherglare there shes Moonglares sister,I see somone Riding on Motherglare fighting Natsu and When I look at Y/N shes with Rouge .......Then I see My own Lifeless body on the floor.When i snap out of it i see wendy shaking me.What did you see Luna-nii?She asks.I saw myself......Lifeless.I say as she starts to run to Y/N.I see a Scared look on Y/N's face.Luna,Did you really see that!?She says as the contestants for the special round pick a stick.Yes.......Okay Lets go cheer Scarlet on.I say.Go you can do it Erza!!!I yell.....WAIT DID I CALL HER ERZA?!!I yell at myself.Wow thats no suprise she defeated them all.Now they are using MPF's.Me and Y/N have been hiding from Lahar with a spell so only our guild members can see us unless we go to fight,Because we were kinda on the council and he was looking for us when we left,He wants us to come back,But that would mean we couldnt be in fairy tail so we hide.I was broken from my thoughts when I hear wendy scream.Y/NNN!!She yells as Y/N faints.Lets get her to the infirmary.I teleport there and give Y/N to Porlyusica,Since elfman and Lucy are worn out,Wendy has to take her place.(Ya instead of lucy in the Naval battle its wendy i feel so bad,So my cousin is gonna write that part cuz shes heartless,Somtimes.)So when we get back to fairy tails stand Cana is going.(I know its spelled Kana but this sounds better.)She uses Fairy glitter.Its off the charts,Thats really good,But me and Y/N used to destroy those things,They are supposed to absorbs the magic and messure it."We won!!"I yell.So we celebrated until I passed out.When I woke up I was in bed.Today's event was called Naval Battle we let wendy go cause 1.She wanted to.2.I dont have a bathing suit,Plus I hate them.Almost everyone gets knocked out by juvia and only wendy minerva and Juvia remain.WENDY YOU CAN DO IT!I yell as juvia gets pushed out of the water.Lahar and doranbolt are here too but in the stands Im guessing they hear me cause they start to come to my teams stand.I was busy with that but then I heard wendy screaming in pain,I look to see minerva Beating my only little sister,I know wendy is my sister because when I was helping her but on the bathing suit she had the birthmark.My magic was  starting to overwhelm the arena,Everyone could sense it was coming from me and stared at me with scared looks.Then minerva dropped wendy out I teleported to grab her.My magic started to grow.Until,"Luna calm down your gonna kill someone!!"Rina yelled at me.I got up and I was in my complete curse form the only people who could probaly stop me was wendy or Y/N.I was about to fight with minerva until their whole team apeared Sting and Rouge looked scared,I was gonna take them all out until scarlet stopped me."Luna,I dont think wendy would want you to kill them for her."Erza said.Fine scarlet but next time ill knock you out if you try to stop me.I say she looks like Natsu when hes scared of erza."Now Sabertooth,I know your the strongest guild in fiore,But it be smart to take my warning,The next person in my guild you almost kill,I WILL find you.I yell at them and teleport to the infirmary.In the imfirmary I was crying,When I hear the guild I wipe away my tears.We create a new team with Me,Natsu,Y/N,Erza,and Gajeel.Well I dont really mind Gajeel cause he has been like a replacement for Jellal,BUT I CANT STAND NATSU!I yell in my head.So after all the double battles and Y/N wakes up the anouncer said the Twin dragons against Natsu and Gajeel.I hope Rouge will be okay.....WAIT DO I LIKE ROUGE!??!I yell in my thoughts.After the fight I start walking,while walking away to go walk,Then I see Ronin,What do you want Ronin.I say turning around."Well Luna I want you."He said.Just go away and never come back!!I yell at him."Go ahead kill me,Oh wait you cant."He laughed.JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!I yell running away with tears in my eyes,I run into Sting and Rouge,Rouge is about to says something  but I just teleport to my room in the Hotel to fairy tail.Rina was the only one there.She ran to me."Luna,What happend where were you?"She asked.The I see gray at the door."Wha-I'm fine."I cut him off.Out of knowhere Rina asked me to sing for her."Why me?"I ask."You havent sang for a while.Its true the last time was before I broke up with Ronin."Fine."I sigh.Yay!She yells quietly.What song?I ask.Uh,Papermoon.She says.I take a deep breath.(The song.↘)

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