12, Plane ride

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"Thank you all so much for coming here to see us, we really love you a lot, thank you!" Mark says into the microphone with flawless English.

"Thank you!" everyone else yells into their microphones as well and the seven members leave the stage with bright smiles, surrounded by their fans' screams.

"Thank youuuu!" Jackson screams as he jumps back on to the stage one last time, earning another wave of screams. He laughs loudly as he exits the stage this time for real. Everyone is exhausted but there are bright smiles on the boys' faces. It doesn't matter that they are tired, meeting their fans is always as rewarding.

"Good job everyone!" Jaebum yells and they exchange hugs with each other.

The fanmeeting went surprisingly well. They played around a lot, interacted with their fans and performed their songs. Both Jaebum and Youngjae buried their feelings deep inside and they enjoyed each other's company without any problems, they were maybe a little awkward but it was nothing alarming. No one asked questions or gave them weird looks and their manager seemed pretty content with the two main vocals. Acting like nothing's wrong was easier than Youngjae thought. Maybe it was because he's been acting for a while already, or maybe because Jaebum was acting so naturally, Youngjae didn't know. He was also thankful to Mark and surprisingly, to Jackson. Both the American and Chinese boy went out of their way to make sure that there weren't any chances for Youngjae and Jaebum to mess up their act. Youngjae's still not sure why Jackson was helping them so eagerly but he thinks it's mainly because he can see that they are still not okay. Jackson has always been observant.

The rest of the day went by quickly. Youngjae was still a bit worried about the leader but Jaebum was extremely convincing with his 'I'm fine' act. After the event, Got7 decided to eat in a restaurant with their manager and staff members, after that they went back to the hotel and packed their luggage. Surprisingly, the management informed Got7 that they were allowed to spend the rest of this day, one night and the next morning at Mark's house. Apparently, Mark's parents talked with the company about having the boys stay over and they said yes. Everyone was super happy to go to Mark's house instead of a hotel and they spent their time there happily.
They had a tasty barbecue, after that they talked for a long time while sitting around a camp fire and after they slept, every single one of the boys felt more relaxed than they had in a long time. Everyone was sad to say goodbye to the oldest member's parents.

And that brings us to this moment. Got7 enters the plain and starts searching for their seats. Jaebum sits down next to the window and soon he is followed by Youngjae. They said everything is okay between them so there is no reason for them to change seats. The leader and his crush glance at each other and without any words they sit in silence. Mark is sitting behind them with Jinyoung and the other members are somewhere out of sight.

The flight starts well and both of the boys sit with their headphones on. They don't have the need to speak, neither one knows what they would say.


They have been flying for several hours and Jaebum is staring out of the window when he feels something. Youngjae's left arm presses against his right arm harder than it did before. Jaebum turns his head and his eyes widen.
Youngjae is sleeping next to him. His black mask is still in front of his mouth and nose, his white earphones are in his ears and his hair is covering his forehead messily. Jaebum can't help the smile that creeps onto his lips. He sits there and stares at the sleeping boy next to him, he knows he stares at him way too often but Jaebum can't help it. He can only properly look at Youngjae when the later one is sleeping and even if he becomes a creep thanks to that, he's not going to stop.

Youngjae's head is leaning against the chair but his position looks extremely uncomfortable. Jaebum looks around and after confirming that no one is paying attention to him, he moves. He reaches out with his left hand and pulls Youngjae closer. Slowly the younger leans against Jaebum and the leader sets his friend's head on his shoulder.

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