Chapter 7

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Kat threw the last bag of trash out to the dumpster sighing as she rubbed her back, working day and night for the last three weeks Kat was finally able to put a for sale sign up Infront of Opies house, she felt relieved and scared at the same time. The last time Kat left this house was four years ago, and this time she would never return to see her brother.

Hearing a familiar sound come roaring down the road Kat hurried up inside, she didn't want to see him. She was tired of arguing with him and she was tired of hearing him say how sorry he was.

Kat always wished that her and Jax were the ones to get married and have kids, even after they split up she promised herself that the only person she would wed would be Jax. But Jax went and did it without her, something she couldn't get over

Kat went and visited Abel daily over the last two weeks but skated out before Jax found her there, Abel was getting ready to go home to Jax tomorrow and Kat was excited for him, she had also heard from a prospect that Wendy was moving into the house to help Jax with Abel

Hearing a knock on the door before it opened Kat stood there with her arms crossed

"What did I say I don't want you here" Kat said

"To bad Kat we need to talk" Jax said

"Talk about what? You wanna talk to someone go home to your wife" Kat said turning around

"What are you talking about" Jax asked

"Wendy she's all moved in isn't she?" Kat said

"Someone's gotta help me with Abel my mom's got work" Jax said

"So nice of you to move her into my house" Kat spat

"Sign the papers then" Jax said

"Suddenly your being nasty to me, Wendy must not be giving it up?" Kat asked

"Wendy will never compare to you" Jax said

"Never asked you too" Kat said

"Kat we really can't be civil?" Jax asked

"Jax, you started this shit" Kat said

"Because the one person I want to be with doesn't want me" Jax said

"Well I'm not the one who went off and got married" Kat said

"Kat your acting like I needed to Fucking wait for you. You were the one who left me remember?" Jax yelled

Kat choked back tears as that cut through her

"Go away Jax" Kat said walking away from him

"What you can't handle the truth now?" Jax asked pulling her back to him

"I can handle the truth" Kat said

"No you can't, look at you. You've turned into a fucking sappy bitch" Jax spat

Kat held back the waterfall of tears that were approaching

"You came back into my life, I thought I was gonna get a second chance at this but you gotta run, because that's all that Kat does is run from her problems" Jax said

Kat swallowed hard tugging her arm out of Jaxs grip she smacked him across the face

"Ffff fuck you Jax, you never wanted me to begin with I was just a fucking trophy to you, used me when you needed me" Kat said

"Don't say that" Jax said

"It's the truth! You fucked up what we had, you fuck up everything good in your life, I tried to make a better life for myself" Kat said wiping away her tears "if you could of kept it in your pants long enough we would of been married! We would of had Fucking kids but you couldn't do that could you?" Kat screamed

"What is your issue right now Kat? Why are you crying?" Jax asked

"Because you finally broke me Jax, you broke the Fucking shell into a million pieces and ill never forgive you. I hate you" Kat screamed in his face

"You don't mean that" Jax said

"I do. Send me the fucking papers to tbe house I'm done with you. I don't ever want to see you again" Kat said punching Jax in the face

Jax stumbled back, and watched Kat walk towards the bedroom, hearing the door slam and lock Jax knocked on the door as Kat sobbed on the bed

"Kat open the door" Jax said leaning his head against it

"No! Go away" Kat yelled

"Please kit Kat" Jax said

"Leave me alone Jax, go be with your family" Kat cried

"Kat I love you, please" Jax said

"Just go away Jax" Kat cried

Jax was stuck, the woman he loved was behind a door crying but she didn't want him in there, going against his better judgement Jax reached up on the door frame knowing Opie kept all the spare keys up there and unlocked the door quietly

Kat was curled up in a little ball crying, Jax climbed on the bed and held her

"Calm down Kit Kat your gonna make yourself sick" Jax said as she relaxed in his arms

Hours later Jax laid in bed with Kat while she slept, Jax felt terrible for making her as upset as he did, feeling her stir around Jax sat up more

"Sorry Krazy kit Kat came out" Kat said as she bit her lip

"I enjoy it when she comes out, brings me back a few steps" Jax said

"I can't control it sometimes Jax" Kat cried

"Babe what's going on with you, you never are this emotional" Jax said wiping the tears away from her face

"I don't know Jax I just can't stop once I start" Kat cried into his chest

Jax sighed, knowing exactly what the issue was

"Kat I need to ask you something but you have to promise not to get mad" Jax asked knowing he needed to tread lightly right now

"What?" Kat asked looking at him

"Babe when's the last time you had your period?" He asked

Kat drew her head back "I'm not pregnant" Kat said

"Could be possible Kat I'm just saying" Jax said

"There's no way Josh and I hadn't had sex in over a year" Kat said

"Kat... The day you came home" Jax said

"No fuckin way" Kat said as her hand went up to her mouth

"I bet you are...." Jax said

"Great I cheat on my boyfriend and I get knocked up by a married man...Isn't my life Fucking wonderful" Kat said getting out of bed

"Kat Wendy signed the divorce papers yesterday. She knows your back in town" Jax said

"Okay and what does that have to do with me?" Kat asked

"Because Happy told her about Krazy kit Kat" Jax said

"Jax that was one time. One time" Kat said raising her finger up

"Well that one time is what landed you in jail for thirty days for assault, word gets around everyone knows who Krazy kit Kat is" Jax said

"She signed them because she found out who I was?" Kat asked

"Yeah and she knew she didn't have a chance, she's not moving into the house she's staying there when I can't that's it. Someone has to be there for Abel" Jax said

"Jax... What if I am?" Kat asked

"Then you are, nothing we can do about it" Jax said

"How's this going to work? I'm leaving tomorrow" Kat said

"Looks like you aren't now, not until I know if you are or aren't" Jax said

"Seriously your going to make me stay?" Kat asked

"Yeah, you've got my kid in there Kat, I'm not letting you go this time. I will fix this I promise" Jax said touching her face

"You fuck it up and I'll be in jail for the rest of my life" Kat said

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