Chapter 14

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Kat ran her hands over the tight t shirt that molded her body, she was pretty pleased that her body was back to the way it used to be before she had the twins, Gemma had all three kids for the day and night, her first break as a new parent since Jax was hauled off in hand cuffs, it had been exactly seventeen months since Jax was arrested and today he was coming home, the charter was throwing a huge party for all of them later tonight. Kats original plan was to pick Jax up but the truck was in the shop and she had no way to get him, so instead she waited for him at home per his request

Jax finally felt free, even doing a short amount of time he missed so much of his kids lives, hugging all of his brothers that were waiting for him

"Alright boys I'll meet you at the club I got a stop to make first" Jax smiled

"Jackie boy everyone is waiting on you" Chibs said

"Ive gotta stop and see my wife first" Jax smiled

"Aye brother have fun" Chibs said smacking Jaxs back

Jax felt nervous on his ride, sure hes known Kat her whole life and knows her body extremely well but This time was different, they weren't boyfriend and girlfriend anymore they were husband and wife a whole new level

Jax pulled into the driveway and shut his bike off, taking off his helmet he rubbed his hand over his newly shaved head hoping Kat would like it before he reached the steps the front door opened and Kat leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed

"I'm expecting my husband" Kat smiled

"Oh yeah I might know him what does he look like?" Jax asked walking up the steps

"Well he had this beautiful long hair and these baby blue eyes I could fall in love with over and over, he's got this six pack to for and his smile" Kat said as Jax snaked his arm around her waist, her hands running over his buzz cut

"Bet he missed you" Jax said as his lips connected with her neck

"Oh I bet he did too, but not more then i missed him" Kat said

"Now way babe" Jax said as he picked Kat up as her legs wrapped around his waist

Closing the door with his foot Jax didn't waste anytime walking to the bedroom as Kat kissed his neck and bit at his earlobe

Laying Kat down on the bed Jax hovered over her as he bit his lip, Kats hands rose up to his shoulder and trailed down to the hem of his shirt and tugging on it

"I have something to show you" Jax whispered as he pulled his shirt off, Kats fingers danced over the new tattoo over Jaxs heart, perfectly scripted was Kat, Abel, Opie and  Ophelias make

"I love it" Kat whispered as Jax kissed her, taking her bottom lip between his teeth

Jax unbuttoned the flannel shirt Kat was wearing and smiled seeing she wasn't wearing a bra taking one of her breast in his hand Kats back arched up her core already moist as she had been waiting for him Kats hands snaked down to Jaxs belt buckle, she could feel his hardened member  through his jeans sliding his jeans down over him

Jax trailed kisses down from her neck to her jeans looking up at his wife Jax smiled as he slowly unbuttoned her jeans and slid them off with her panties, leaning back to look at her Jax smiled

"My god your beautiful" Jax said as he took his boxers off

Kat reached over and grabbed a condom out of the nightstand

"Uh no, babe it's been seventeen months I want to feel you" Jax said

"Jax I'm not on in any birth control" Kat said

"What's your point?" Jax said as his fingers found thier way to her moist folds causing Kat to moan

"Fuck Jax" she moaned again as his fingers slid into her

Jax took his cue as he slid himself inside of her, Kat reaching an orgasm almost instantly, feeling Kat pulsars around him nearly put him over the edge, but he quickly gained control

Kats nails dug into Jaxs tattooed back as another orgasm flooded her body, Jaxs lips found hers as she moaned loudly while Jax rotated his hips in a circular motion

"Come for me one more time babe" Jax whispered in her ear as he quickened the pace

"Fuck babe" Kat moaned as Jax thrusted harder sending him over the edge spilling seventeen months worth of seed into Kat

"I love you kit kat" Jax said as he rested his forehead against Kats

"Love you too Jax but I swear if I get pregnant with twins again I'm chopping your balls off" Kat said kissing his nose

"Well let's hope not babe" Jax said getting off of Kat

"Shower? Then go?" Kat asked rolling off the bed

"Oh babe I'm ready for round two" Jax said following Kat into the bathroom

Kat and Jax rolled into the lot of TM fashionably late, after making love in the shower and then again in the kitchen they finally decided it was time to go to the welcome home party

"Finally your parents have arrived" Gemma laughed walking over to Jax and Kat

Jax immediately took Ophelia into his arms and kissing her cheek as she smiled

"Daddy missed you baby girl" Jax said as he felt a tug on his pant leg, looking down a blue eyes boy looked back at him, handing Ophelia to Kat Jax picked Abel up  squeezed him

"Ow daddy" Abel squirmed

"Sorry buddy, I just missed you, your so big!" Jax exclaimed

"Mama" Abel said pointing to Kat

"Yeah buddy that's your mama huh?" Jax smiled

"Hey handsome" Kat said kissing his cheek

"Where's Opie?" Jax asked

"Being his usual self a grupmy shit so he's napping" Gemma said

"That boy definitely takes after his uncle then" Jax laughed

"You have no idea" Kat laughed with him as they walked toward the clubhouse

Well into the party Kat held a sleeping Ophelia in her arms

"Babe im gonna take them home okay?" Kat asked walking over to Jax

"I'll come with you" Jax said sliding his beer towards the bartender

"Jax it's only eight" Kat said looking at the clock

"Go get her in the van and I'll be right behind you with the boys" Jax said kissing her cheek

Jax walked over to Chibs and rested his hand on his shoulder

"Brother im taking off" Jax said

"Already brother it's still early?" Chibs asked

"Gonna take my family home" Jax said

"I'm proud of you Jackie, kiss those little kids goodnight for me aye" Chibs said

"Oh i will" Jax said walking away to grab Opie and Abel

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