Chapter 15

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Jax walked through the house trying to calm down a very cranky Ophelia, Kat had warned him that she was cranky thought the night but he didnt think it was this bad, Lia, as Jax called her had woken up while Kat and Jax were in the middle of making love, he hadn't yet been to sleep and he was tired. Knowing he needed to be up in just a few hours wasnt making the situation any better.

"Babe let me take her you get some sleep" Kat said hugging the robe around her tighter

"Are you sure? You look pretty tired yourself" Jax said

"I will be fine, You have to be at the shop early so you get the rest" Kat smiled taking Ophelia from Jax

"I knew there was a reason i loved you" Jax said kissing her cheek

"I love you too babe" Kat smiled as she sat down on the couch with Ophelia

Gently rocking her to sleep Kat felt herself slowly falling asleep. knowing there was no way she was going to be able to move without interrupting Ophelias sleep Kat laid down on the couch with her and fell asleep

When Jax woke up a few hours later and noticed Kat wasn't in the bed with him he slowly walked out to the kitchen to see Kat standing there in her robe cooking breakfast while the twins sat in thier highchairs amd Abel was sitting quietly at the table playing with a few toy cars

"Morning" Jax said kissing his children one by one

"Morning, not used to having someone else here with me" Kat smiled as she turned around, the fresh love bites all over Kat's neck

"I'm sure babe, sleep good?" Jax asked knowing they were up making love until the sun came up

"For a whole hour but it was worth it" Kat smiled as she felt Jax's arms wrap around her waist

Jax nuzzled his scruffy beard into Kats neck "I missed you so much" Jax whispered

"I know babe I missed you too" Kat smiled as he pecked her lips

"What's for breakfast?" Jax asked leaning over her shoulder to take a slice of bacon out of the frying pan

"Nothing but the biggest feast for my husband and his club, who will be here any minute" Kat smiled looking at the time

"Then let me finish, go get ready can't have the queen looking like she just got ravished" Jax smiled as he took over cooking

Breakfast with the club was loud, and fun for everyone. The first time everyone was together for the first time in seventeen months and it was nice, Jax looked over at Kat who was holding Opie he was content but definitely had his uncles mean mug all the time

Kat smiled over at Jax from across the living room, content that her life turned out the way it did, after leaving Jax almost five years ago she never thought that she would end up married to the man that always held her heart. Kat was sure that her brother was looking down on her at every moment, guiding her in the direction she needed to go. Kat couldn't imagine her life without Jax in it, even though she was without him for four years there wasn'ta day that went by that she didn't think about Jax and why she left

Jax laughed with Happy who was cracking jokes at Jax that Kat was already pregnant since everyone knew that Kat and Jax always had a healthy sexual relationship for many years in the past, Jax didn't care how many kids they ended up with as long as he had his queen by his side that was all that mattered


Fifteen years later

Kat sat at the new chief's desk and pinched the bridge of her nose, this was the fifth time that Lia had been arrested and Kat didnt know what to do anymore, she was literally dealing with a younger version of herself, no doubt that Lia had infact inherited the name crazy kit kat

"Kat there is nothing i can go this time, she punched an officer in the face" Chief Roosevelt said as he closed Lia's file and looked at Mrs. Teller who looked extremely stressed

"Please Eli, she has exams next week" Kat pleaded as her anger grew internally that Jax wasn't there after she had to call him six times before he even answered the phone

"I'm sorry Kat but I said it was the last time I would let this go the last time I can't keep making exceptions especially since she punched an officer" Eli said

Kat huffed knowing that there was no way she could get Lia out of this now "Can I see her atleast before you arraign her?" Kat asked

Eli nodded his head as they both stood up, Eli's office door opening quickly to see Jax standing there

"Nice of you to finally show up" Kat said as she brushed past Jax, it had been three months since she had found Jax in bed with Colette, the woman who ran Diosa while Jax wasn't there, three months of Jax calling her all hours of the night begging and pleaded with her to come back home

"I was caught up sorry" Jax said as he turned his heel and followed her down the hall, knowing Eli was close, the last time Jax and Kat got into it; it didn't end well for the both of them and they chose to separate because Kat couldn't take the lying anymore and Jax he just wanted to do his own thing and not be bothered

Kat looked into the holding cell at her daughter and shook her head, Lia was sleeping on the steel bench with her arm tucked behind her head, just like her father sleeps

"Kid wake up" Jax said as he slapped his ringed hand against the metal bars

"Dad what are you doing here?" Ophelia asked standing quickly

"Your mother called" Jax said crossing his arms over his chest

"It was an accident, he came up behind me and grabbed my shoulder and I reacted" Lia said as she began to cry

"Lia, I cant get you out of this, not this time. Eli wont bend the rules after the last time" Kat said placing her small hands around the bars

"Please mom do something" Lia pleaded

"She cant, neither can I. This is out of our hands" Jax said looking down at his phone that was vibrating

"Just go Jax I will take care of this" Kat said as she rolled her eyes as she watched the smirk spread across Jax's face

Jax looked up from his phone and looked at Kat, the Kat he married fifteen years ago wasn't the same one that looked at him today, she was bold and cold, her heart turned to ice when she figured out that Jax hadn't been remaining faithful to her, he knew it was his fault and there was nothing he could do to fix what he had broken. Jax felt terrible for making Kat hate him and he wished he could go back in time and fix everything but he knew that wasn't an option anymore

Kat looked at Jax when he didn't move, normally he was always quick to leave when she told him to go but this time he was standing there looking at Kat

"Guys time is up you can see her tomorrow at court" Eli said placing a hand on each of their shoulders

Jax and Kat walked out of the police station at the same time, Kat took a cigarette out of her purse and lit it as she walked to her truck

"Kat, can we talk for a second?" Jax asked as he walked behind Kat

"I really am not in the mood to talk Jax, I've got the taste of Charming to begin prep for, my daughter is in lock up. Opie wont talk to me since I kicked you out and Abel he hates my guts because out of spite you decided to tell him that I am not his real mother when I have been there since the  beginning" Kat said as she turned around "And to top it off my husband of fifteen years couldn't keep him dick in his own fucking pants, so no Jax we cant talk" Kat said as she turned back around and continued to her truck

"Kat please, just give me five minutes" Jax pleaded as he touched her arm lightly

Kat looked at Jax, the same eyes she fell in love with were staring back at her "Five minutes and that is it" she said as she walked to her truck, knowing that Jax needed to come into her truck because she wasn't going anywhere with him if she wasn't in control

Hey Guys!!!! Told you two updates today!!!! Gonna end this in the next two chapters!!! Already have one written so its just getting that one posted and then writing the last one!!! Gonna try to finish up my other stories before I start working on the ones I just started but we will see how that goes!! Thank you for everyone that has began following me and all the votes and comments I appreciate it!!!

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