Parties (BSM)

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"So, are we on the same page?" Ashton asked you, giving you that usual threatening stare that older brothers give when they want something. Rolling your eyes, you nodded slowly.

"Yes, Ashton. I’ll stay in my room so you can have your stupid party, and I promise not to tell our parents." You replied, going back to scrolling through tumblr in silence. 

"Good." he patted your leg, stalking out of your room as he took out his phone to call all of his rowdy friends that you hated.


"Calum! Calum, who the hell are these people?" You shouted, shoving your older brother to get his attention. He looked down at you, red solo cup in hand as he rolled his eyes.

"Cal, why’s there a kid at your party?" A drunken girl shouted, rubbing up on your brother and making you scoff. You were thirteen, hardly a child.

"(Y/N), just go to your room! If you say anything to mom or dad I’ll put that picture of you from the barbecue last week all over facebook." Calum threatened you, though you knew it was just a show for his friends. 

Rolling your eyes, you shoved through the clumps of crazy teenagers to get to your room. Pulling out your own phone, you called your mom with a smirk. Calum didn’t know that you had deleted all the pictures from his phone and laptop, you even burned the film from the camera and the spare ones he’d printed and hidden under his bed.


"Promise, Luke." You threatened your little brother, Luke, again. He scowled, giving an angry huff before he wrapped his pinky around your own. You were planning to have a party tonight, while your parents were away, but you had to make sure Luke would keep his trap shut.

Luke and you were very close, but you both loved to get eachother in trouble. “Am I aloud to invite the boys?” He asked you, setting his guitar aside. Narrowing your eyes, you pondered the idea.

"Fine. But, only if you guys play a couple songs." You agreed, ruffling his hair and laughing when he groaned in annoyance.


"Party, tonight?" You turned to your twin brother Michael with the same look on your faces. Your parents had just left for the weekend, and you both knew what that meant- party at the Clifford house!

"Yes." You agreed, dashing up to your room to call your friends while Michael did the same to call his. "Am I getting the food?" You shouted to Michael, huffing when he shouted a yes back to you.

"Lazy bitch…" you muttered, grabbing your money and shoes before you left to go to the shops. Party food, party food, party food… "Shit." You snapped to yourself, realizing you’d forgotten your fake ID. Looks like there won’t be any alcohol…

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