You're Part of A Bet (PART TWO)

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"(Y/N), I’m not telling you to take him back. Just, please, talk to him." Calum continued begging you, his eyes pleading with you the same way Ashton’s used to when you didn’t give him his way. It had been two weeks since you’d kicked Ashton out, and needless to say things hadn’t been easy. You couldn’t stand sleeping alone, so you had enormous bags under your eyes to prove it.

"Why? He lied to me. He pretended to love me for bit of spending money." You replied, biting your lip. "Whatever, just bring him here and I’ll talk to him." You gave in, sighing deeply as you tensed up. Calum jumped up, quickly reappearing in the room with a rugged looking Ashton. "Ash?" You asked, your eye brows furrowing as you stared at the beaten looking boy.

"I’m, I’m sorry…" He whispered, his eyes heavily lidded. "I’m such a screw up, I ruin everything." He continued, his eyes opening to meet yours.

"That’s not true…" You spoke, quickly kneeling in front of him and pushing his unwashed hair out of his face. "You made a mistake, but you don’t screw everything up."

"I just love you so much, (Y/N)." He suddenly whimpered, crying out as he buried his head in your neck. "I’m so sorry…"

"Don’t be sorry, baby." You cooed, rubbing his back soothingly. "I love you too."


You continued watching reruns of Full House on the television, the previous events of your day clouding your thoughts. You couldn’t help but be hurt that Calum Hood had planned to humiliate you for his own personal gain. You didn’t understand people these days, so cruel and uncaring for anyone besides themselves.

"Honey, there’s a boy at the door for you!" Your mother called, getting. Your attention as she startled you from your thoughts. You quickly scurried into the foyer barely sparing a passing glance to your fleeing mother as your eyes fell upon the one boy you didn’t want to see.

"Why are you here?" You asked, grabbing the door in preparation to slam it in his face. He quickly pushed it open, ignoring your protests as he stumbled inside with a sullen look on his face. "Are you stupid? Get out!"

"What did you mean?" He asked you, his eyes meeting yours with a worried stare. You raised an eyebrow, lost by his meaning. "You said you probably weren’t worth the stakes, what did you mean by that?"

Your face fell, your eyes watering a little. Not only had he tried to humiliate you, but he also knew of your suicidal tendencies. “Exactly what I said.” You replied, fiddling with your hands. “I mean, it took some cheap bet for a guy to even ask me out.”

"You’re worth so much more, (Y/N). I’m sorry for being so stupid, but you’re worth more than the sun and moon." He whispered, his eyes meeting yours as his lifted your chin gently. "Don’t ever think any less." His lips met yours, all your troubling thoughts melting away as you molded perfectly into the boy you’d only met hours before.


You kept your head down as you scurried down the hallway to your locker. It was Monday, the first day back to school after prom and to say the least it was extremely hard on you. People laughed as you passed by, obviously well aware of your stand up prom date.

"Can I, uh, talk to you?" Your eyes quickly flickered up from your locker, meeting the blue irises of Luke Hemmings. Instantly your cheeks flashed red, your eyes finding the ground again as you avoided his gaze.

"Why? Did you want to chip in the forty dollars you earned off my misery to pay for the six hundred dollar dress I bought?" You mumbled, throwing a book into your locker and pulling out another. He shuffled on his feet, clearing his throat tensely.

"I wanted to apologize, actually." He stated, earning a raised eyebrow from you. "I’m really sorry I was a dick to you, but I really do like you."

"Sorry won’t cut it, Luke. Oh and sorry, but I don’t like boys. I like men." You snapped, earning a flinch from him as you slammed your locker shut and stalked off. For the first time that day, you kept your head held high.


A year had passed since the incident with Michael. You hadn’t talked to him or any of the boys since, what they had done was practically rape. He did get you drunk and take away your virginity, even though he knew you would have objected otherwise.

"Can you get the door?" Your current boyfriend asked, calling out to you from where he sat on the sofa. You got up, walking up to the door and opening it slowly.

"Michael?" You asked, your eyes wide as they fell onto the boy before you. "What are you doing here?" You asked him, blocking the doorway from your boyfriend’s sight.

"We didn’t have sex." He blurted, making you scoff. "No, we really didn’t. I lied to Calum, to save my pride but I didn’t actually do it because it would hurt you. I couldn’t hurt you, (Y/N)."

"News flash, Michael. You still hurt me." You muttered, rolling your eyes as you tried to shut the door. He only stuck his foot in the way, grunting as you roughly hit his toes with the door.

"I was in love with you, (Y/N). Hell, I still am! I guess I was just too in love with my pride too, otherwise I never would have lied." You looked into his eyes, searching for a lie. You only saw truth, and your heart melted at the sight but then the high came crashing down. You had a boyfriend.

"I’m sorry Michael." You whispered, closing the door but not before you caught a glimpse of the heartbroken look on his face.

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