Make Up

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The next morning you woke up with a pounding head ache, rolling out of your bed with a whimper at the throbbing in your skull. Or maybe you were whimpering at the emptiness in your heart, you weren’t quite sure. “Ash?” You called quietly, stepping out of your room and scanning your home only to find it empty.

He’d left, but what could you expect? You told him to. Sighing to yourself, you decided it was best to move on. He’d obviously done so. You took a shower, washing your hair and body free of his lingering scent and once you were done you felt a little better, but you still were far from okay. 

You got dressed into a pair of yoga pants and one of Ashton’s tee shirts you’d stolen a long time ago, walking slowly out of your bathroom and into the living room only to jump in shock. “(Y/N), I’m so sorry,” Ashton apologized, flowers covering every surface in your living room with him standing in the middle of them, surrounded. “I’ve been such a terrible person to you and there’s now way I could ever make it up to you, but I’m begging here, give me another chance?”

You bit your lip, your heart swelling at the sight of him but you decided to string this out for as much as it was worth. “Beg.” You stated, your hands on your hips and your eyebrows raised. “I want you to beg, get on your knees right now and beg for me to take you back and maybe I’ll think about it.” He dropped to his knees, knocking over one of the flower vases but he ignored it.

"Please take me back, (Y/N)! I love you so much, I’ll do anything you want me to if it means I can hold you in my arms again. I’ll quit the band, I’ll never drink again, hell, I’ll go to AA meetings if it means that you won’t leave me. Please, I need you." His voice was thick, tears filling his eyes and your own as he begged for you to take him back.

You stumbled through the many vases, knocking most of them over but you didn’t pay any attention as you fell to your knees and pulled him into your embrace. “I love you so much, Ashton. Don’t even think about quitting the band, though.”


It took a grand total of two hours for you to finally get your head straight, heart racing in your chest as you ran out of the house and all the way to Calum’s house. You had to make this right, you had to explain the entire story or you could never get him back. “Calum!” You screeched as you ran into his house without knocking, kicking open his bedroom to find him surrounded by the boys who all glared at you. “Please, you didn’t let me finish explaining myself.” You panted, your hands on your knees as you struggled to catch your breath.

Calum’s face was red and blotchy, his eyes swollen from crying and the sight made guilt churn in your gut. You were the reason he was crying, this was all your fault. “You cheated on me, what more explanation is there? Did you want to tell me all the details or something?” He choked out, his head falling back into his hands. “There’s nothing more to say, (Y/N), just leave. Please.”

"Give me five minutes, if you don’t believe me then I’ll leave forever. I promise." You whispered your promise, your voice cracking at the thought of never seeing Calum and the boys again. He nodded slowly, making you take a deep breath as the boys all left the room leaving you two alone. You sat beside him on the bed like he’d done at your house, only for him to scoot as far away from you as possible.

You swallowed loudly, “(Y/Ex/N) and I started meeting up about a week ago. Originally he wanted to get closure from our past relationship but after awhile we started to become friends again. That’s all we were, Calum, is friends. Hell, he was giving me advice about you and he was helping me plan a surprise party for you and the boys for the release of your album.” Calum lifted his head, looking at you with a blank face. “I promise you, he was only helping me plan a party for you.”

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