Royal Plans

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Chapter 9

When they entered the vault, Dean froze this time, not because he was afraid of people, but because his eyes landed on the mountain of gold that took up most of the space in the massive chamber.

"It's all true," Dean said in an awed whisper.

"What's true?" Zane asked.

"My father used to tell us that he had a room full of gold, and that it was so shiny it would hurt your eyes to look at it."

"I think all the stories your parents told you about this place are true."

"Even the bad ones?" Dean asked. Zane could tell from the look on his face he was thinking about all the bad things that had happened to his sister since they'd arrived.

"Yeah, even the bad ones."

As the other royals started to arrive, Dean slipped up next to Zane, reaching for his hand. It was a movement that was not lost on Zane's father, who seemed slightly frustrated by the boy's show of trust in Zane.

The other royals greeted Dean with a formal bow, and Dean returned the gesture, dropping Zane's hand for just a moment. They all sat around the table like before, with Dean between Zane and Lilly.

Lilly gushed over Dean. There was no denying she was thrilled to see a true Bluescale. She tussled Dean's hair, making the boy beam at the lovely redhead. Dean leaned over and asked the Redblood princess something that Zane assumed was a dragon related question because Lilly laughed, then told Dean yes, she was a very good fighter. Then she winked at him.

"How is the queen?" Greenwing asked.

"She's still quite ill. Maze has been treating her wounds. She's resting now."

"It's nothing too serious I hope," Maximus said, frowning. They all knew how important the remaining Bluescale line was.

"Maybe it would be better if we sent them back until the Alignment," Titus offered. "There has already been one attempt on her life."

"No." Dean turned to Zane. "Don't let them, she can't go back. Please, don't make her."

"Young prince, we only want to keep her safe," Greenwing said, trying to soothe Dean's obvious distress. Little did she know just how upsetting Dean found the thought of returning to the Earth realm was.

"She was not safe there."

"Did someone try to kill her there too?" Lilly asked, concerned by Dean's statement.

"No," Dean mumbled, sounding defeated.

'There are worse things than death,' Paige's words came back to Zane.

"When Maze changed the queen's clothes after she treated her injuries, she found the queen covered in bruises, indicating she was mistreated in the other realm," Zane told them.

"Who would do that to a royal?" Greenwing asked.

"We are not royals there," Dean piped in, looking at the table.

"We could send her back with a guard to keep her safe," Titus suggested.

"No!" Dean sounded like he was finally living up to his title of Prince Dean of Bluescale. Then he turned to Zane and said, "I told you, you can't trust grown-ups."

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