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The next day I had Sam and Marlene bring my truck over. Sam looked more worried then usual, and the Alpha hadn’t returned. I was still in my clothes from the day before, and had dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep and crying. Making me some coffee and sitting outside with me, I didn’t say much.
    “You want me to call your..” Sam started.
    “No, he’ll hunt the Alpha down.” Sipping at the coffee.
    “You can’t stay locked up in your house, Luna come stay with us for a while.” Sam begged, but I shook my head.
    “I’m going to quit my job, and take some time off.” Marlene looked concerned for me, but didn’t say anything.
    “Luna!” Sam lowered his eyes.
    “Its okay Sam, I’ll be alright. If I stay away from my boss, then it wont happen again.” Faking a smile and drinking more. He nodded but wasn’t buying it. They left, but asked me to come by as much as I wanted. I agreed and sat on the deck a while longer. Later that day I called my job and told them I was sorry, but could no longer work there. I was informed that the camera at the back of the building was recording my boss, sexually harassing me, and that he was fired that day. Talking to the head boss was easy, he made things seem less real then they really were.

    “He has been officially fired as of today, so there is no need for you to quit.” He had sorrow in his voice.
    “No, I need some time off, but thank you.”
    “Yes I can understand, if you ever need a job, please come back to us. Please give my regards to the man who helped you.”
    “Yes, the large gentleman who carried you away from Mr. Eric”
    “Ohh, yes I will do that.” Trailing my words off.
    “He seemed very kind to you.”
    “Ohh?” That was a shocker.
    “Yes the video showed him, soften when he picked you up. He looked very worried for your health.”
    “Ohh thank you.” Still in shock
    “Have a good day Miss Luna”
    “You too.”
Hanging the phone up, and wondering why my stomach got tight. I stayed home for the next week, before getting cleaned up and heading to Sam’s house. He was delighted to see me, and bear hugged me longer then usual. The male wolf had changed into his human form and also greeted me.
    “I was worried about you.” He shied away from my eyes, as we sat under a large oak.
    “Sorry, I was having personal problems”
    “I understand.” Smiling while playing with an autumn leaf. It was getting colder, and the leaves were turning to red and oranges. Some turned a bright yellow color, reminding me of the Alphas eyes.
    “Marlene says you’ve been doing really well Tony” Pulling my legs to my chest.
    “Yes, I have gotten much better.” smiling at me.
    “Have you contacted you pack yet?”
    “Umm no, I don’t think I want to go back there.”

    “Ohh, well that’s okay, you could join a different one. Or travel around.” Trying to uplift the conversation.
    “Yes.” He paused “Has your Alpha returned?”
    “He’s not my anything.” Sounding a little harsh.
    “Sorry, I didn’t..”
    “Its fine, lets just not talk about him.” Patting Tony on the head.
    “Okay” Giving me an okay smile.

I ate lunch and dinner at Sam’s place, and ignored all the female wolfs and their constant chatter about me. They did like Tony and spoiled him, relentlessly. But he sat close to me and seemed a little to close at times. After dinner I returned home, and would sit by the window looking out at nothing. My house was lonely and quiet, it was a sad sound. The tv brought little relief and I caught myself sighing more and more every day.

    Winter came faster this year, and the snow piled up. Digging myself out so I could put the plow on my truck, I cleared a path to and from my house, then started on the dirt road and finally finishing off Mr. Johns driveway. He was old and had a hard time moving like he use to. Although he never thanked me personally I always saw him smiling out a window at me, then nodding his head. As if he was happy the younger generation hadn’t totally been a waist of time.
    The snow let up for two days and lightly started again, a black car slowly made its way to my house. It only caught my attention cause it looked somewhat familiar. The man that stepped out was none other then my old boss. Years had been added to his creepy face. I panicked and closed the front door, locking it fast.

    “Come out here you bitch!” Screaming at me, while banging on the door. I hid in my room with the door closed, locking it. Huddled in a corner with my arms wrapped around my head. I could still hear him screaming for me.
    “You ruined my life, come out here”  He tossed a rock threw a window, and the glass shattered all over my living room. Another rock broke a small window on the door, and he reached threw unlocking it. The sound of the door being kicked open made me cry. Rocking myself back and forth, I felt the blood rise faster then ever before.
    “Stupid, bitch come out here. The things I’m going to do to you.” He laughed a blood curling sound and banged on my door repeatedly.
    “Come out!” banging harder. My vision started to go, reaching for my cell I hit a few buttons.
“Luna: dad helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll………………..

The door was kicked in and he stood over me, that was the last thing I remember.

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