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    The building was huge, making an H shape. At least most of the building was made out of glass, or so it seemed. This was a luxury condo building and was probably four times as expensive as my whole house cost. I had seen this building from a far a few times, and thought it was big but never did I think I would get to see it up close. It was huge, the place had everything. A gym, two tennis court, four pools, a hot tub in every room. A Chinese garden which threw me for a loop. It supplied washer and dryers at no charge…I had hope so. The only thing it was missing was a stable and some Mexican’s playing music as you walked around.

    He parked in a spot in the shade and got out, opening the trunk. With my bag in hand he opened my door and waited for me. Slipping my arms threw the sleeves and carefully keeping myself wrapped up we walked to the main building. My feet were bare and started to go numb, he noticed without me saying a word and got in front of me. I had absolutely no time to react as he pushed me on his back and carried me like a small child. I could only imagine what the neighbors were going to think. Swiping his card again the door unlocked and slid open, this was just to cool. It was like a secret club house for elite members.

    They had stairs but who would use them with the two elevators sitting side by side. One elevator opened and a couple walked out holding hands. They smiled at us and looking a little longer at me then necessary. Probably cause of what I was wearing, if they only knew. The Alpha didn’t give them time to ask, and stepped into the elevator still holding me. Now it was weird, surly he wanted to put me down. The doors closed and he hit the last button reading 4. It moved and I watched the lights move from one number to the last. With  a few binging sounds the doors opened and he stepped out. Turning left and walking all the way to the end, he stopped at the last door of the hallway. It took up what could have been the bottom left side of the H. A swipe and the door unlocked, and he used his foot to push it open.

    The hallway to the inside was dark, and the door closed locking behind us. It smelled of him, a few more steps and the whole place opened up. A small kitchen to my left and a living room in front of that. Windows framed most of the walls, and one wall had sliding glass doors where you would walk out on a balcony. Did I mention this place was cool, he had a few plants that looked like they were unloved, and the walls were bare. His furniture which looked like the building had supplied it was all black and white. All the appliances where stainless steel, everything looked and smelled not only new but pricey. The Tv he had was at least four times the size of my pathetic thing. Making me feel bad, but that went away when I remembered telling him to leave half a dozen times and he wouldn’t.

When he finally put me down it was on the black leather sofa with the white pillows. Walking away from me, I got up and followed him. There was another hallway that housed the large bathroom with jet tub, a double sink and a massive shower that again made mine look like crap. Across the hall to the bath was another room with a large desk made of what looked like Cherry. Sitting proudly on it was a large computer and keyboard. Everything from a printer to fax machine was in this room. It looked like he worked from home, but I didn’t ask. The door straight a head was the bedroom, there was only one.

Hesitating to go inside I poked my head in, my bag was sitting on the over sized bed. It was covered in a black down comforter with black pillows, seemed kind of gothic girly to me. The shades were pulled up to let light in. A dresser to one side and two nightstands were all the furniture he had in here. All which were black, the bed was also black with four large posts framing it, a head board and nothing else. Again there were no pictures in this house, making me figure he didn’t spend much time here. Walking out of a closet he was putting a different shirt on when he saw me.

    Half the buttons were still loose, he stopped and walked over to me. Looking at my face closer he groaned. “You might want to take a shower, unless you like blood on your face.” Moving away and heading back for the kitchen. That got me worried and I rushed in the bathroom, sure enough I had blood smudged around my lips. Looked like I had applied my lip stick wrong or was to busy making out with someone, this lead more to why the couple was looking at me funny. Groaning I felt like a moron. Grabbing my bag I closed the door. Between my fingers was blood and it made me shake.

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