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Okay so I'm done...  -.- I suck at Editing so I'm not going to ..... :P Deal with it. The brain has the ablilty for auto correct..  -.- use it.

“I’ll see you in a little bit.” disappearing into the closet and making my way into the crawl space. Leaving his room now would cause a freaking riot to break out. Sliding the trap door just as he walked into the closet. It was a little funny cause I could still hear his thoughts.

~Holy hell she really did just disappear.~ sounding a little bewildered.

~Not possible, there is probably a trap door somewhere in here.~ Huffing at his wolfs stupidity

~Well I really don’t care how she did it, just as long as she does it again tomorrow night.~ Matias didn’t reply, but I could almost picture the smile he had on his face.
I made my way back into my room and backed out of the crawl space into my closet. I was completely taken by surprise when a low voice snapped at me.
    “And just what do you think your doing?” Holy hell who was that. Turning around slowly seeing…..Sam.

    “Sam!” I yelled happily running over and hugging him.
    “Hey sexy” bear hugging me. “did you think you were in trouble” Laughing and letting me go. I slapped his chest.
    “You’re a jackass, that scared the shit out of me.” frowning at him. He just laughed and made me as well.

    “Sneaking into another room I see.” Raising his eyebrows up and down.
    “Oh shut up” walking away.
    “Did you get marked.” Grinning like he had dirt on me.
    “No I did not, thank you very much.” turning the shower on and stepping back out.   
“Ummm” rubbing his chin.
    “What? Don’t umm me” pulling out new underwear, and a bra.
    “Your taking a shower….can’t image why”
    “You’re an ass, I'm dirty.” Shutting my mouth cause I just gave him more fuel for the fire.
    “Dirty you say. What kind of dirty are we talking about.” I blushed remembering what I was doing a few minutes ago.
    “Nothing.” Lying threw my teeth. He burst out laughing and flopped on my bed as I took a shower.

The shower didn’t take me to long and I slipped on my underwear and bra, stepping into my room drying my hair off. Sam was looking out the window when I walked in.
    “Feel clean!” smirking.
    “Shut up!” Tossing the towel at his head. He caught it and spun it around, then flashed me a smile.
    “No Sam…Don’t” Pointing my finger at him
    “Whatever do you mean?” Chasing me while trying to snap the towel at me.
    I ended up getting it from him and we fell on the floor laughing. We were acting like kids again. Sam has been my best friend for almost ever. I wouldn’t of been able to get where I am today without him. He’s always there when I need him most, and I love him for it.
    “You seem happy” He said leaning against the chair as we continued to sit on the floor.
    “Yea I guess I am.” laying flat back.
    “Good, I’m happy for you.”
    “Thanks Sam” turning my head to see him smiling. I felt something sad run threw me and Sam saw it.

    “What’s wrong?” I looked away.
    “Nothing…really” Looking at my fan.
    “You better tell me or else.” I looked over at him seeing his moving his fingers around like he was going to tickle me. Covering my stomach I laughed.
    “Its just….well if I do find my mate Sam, will you still be there to help me?” Sam took no time in answering me.
    “Luna!” Crawling over to me and looking down at my face. “Please tell me your kidding? I love you, your like my sister. I would never not help you. I don’t have any of my own siblings so to me your not just family you’re my sister. Just because you get a mate doesn’t mean I wont be there for you.” flicking my head.   
“Ouch, that hurt” rubbing the spot.
    “Well don’t ask stupid questions.” grinning.
    “I love you Sam, your always there when I need you.” Crying and wrapping my arms around him.
    “Geez Luna” hugging me and sitting us upright. I laughed and wiped my eyes of the tears.
    “I know I’m a baby” making fun of myself.
    “Shit if you’re a baby, who the hell was that at the Alpha meeting.?” He was all but brimming with curiously.

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