Crashing Into Life

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It was a typical winter's night, dark and cold with no respite in sight. It was only 5pm but the night had already taken over, spreading its darkness over everything. There was no life in sight: no other cars on the road, no wildlife; not even the moon was out tonight. Robyn turned up the radio to shield herself from the loneliness of the journey; music had become a comforting friend.

Headlights suddenly shone into the car, temporarily blinding Robyn as her eyes tried to adjust. Fear gripped her as she relied on instinct to keep her safe until her sight returned; less than a second went by, but it felt like too long.

The noise was so loud: the metal groaning as it bent, the glass smashing and that piercing scream. That was the last thing Robyn heard before she descended into numb darkness.


Blake was frozen in shock, he had felt himself swerve at the last second but he had no idea why. He looked out of his truck at the mess in front of him; there was no way anyone could have survived that. He got out and slowly walked towards the wreckage to see the consequences of the accident.

Hope filled him as he heard the faint heartbeat of the broken body in front of him. He didn't have long to make a decision; although it felt like it had already been made for him. Using his healing ability would drain Blake's life force; but it was a risk he had to take. He didn't know this woman but something told him that she was important.

Blake pressed against the dashboard of the car, releasing its grasp on the woman's legs. He knew that he would be too weak to provide any more help after he healed her and he couldn't just leave her here. He lifted her gently into his arms, careful not to cause more damage. He ran to central hospital and prayed that Tommy would be working tonight, he would need someone to create a cover for the injuries. It was times like this that he was glad his best friend spent all those years becoming a doctor.

He used the road route, he couldn't afford to risk the rough terrain through the trees; this girl was barely alive as it was. The super speed was essential, there wasn't much time left.

Tommy was already waiting in a private room, he sensed Blake's need and knew it wouldn't be long before he would come to him. Blake set the girl down on the bed and prepared himself to take away her injuries.

"Blake! Are you sure about this? She may be too broken for you to help. You know how dangerous this is!"

"I can't explain, but I need to do this. I need to make sure she lives. We don't have time to discuss this."

Blake hovered his hand over her heart, a soft glowing light appeared between them. He winced as he began to feel her pain: the sudden ache in his ribs followed by the sharp stab to his lungs which made each breath feel like he was inhaling fire. The pain distracted him momentarily, enough time to hear Tommy vocalising his concerns.

"He won't survive this. How far can I let him take this?"

Blake seated himself on the edge of the bed, he would need the support as he became weaker. He lowered his hands and began healing the blue swollen skin on the girl's abdomen, she was clearly bleeding inside somewhere. He stayed there until he saw he skin begin to fade, he would have to leave the rest for now; he didn't know how much more he could take for her.

He once again moved down her body, he stopped as he felt the break in her right femur. His left hand gripped the bed tightly as her pain became his once more, he felt his thigh burn as his bone snapped. He listened to her heartbeat, it had become stronger now. He heard it thump as the room started to swirl and darkness consumed him.

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