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Blake froze, he had been spotted in the trees, Robyn was looking right at him. He waited for her to blink before racing deeper into the woods. Tommy was right: he had to stop following this girl. He had been shadowing her for almost a month, she had to be almost recovered by now. He had noticed how she no longer kept her weight off her cast. It had been a gradual change, she had started using it more and more as time went by; and now she only seemed to use the crutches to help her balance on the awkward cast.

Perhaps her safety wasn't really the reason he had been following her, even if it was what he had told Tommy; and what he had tried telling himself. The pull towards her had only gotten stronger since the accident. He could always feel her, he could sense the direction she was in because of that pull. He wanted to get closer to her, to talk to her and get to know her, but he didn't want to put her in danger. The supernatural world was a dangerous place to be, it was the one situation where knowledge was not power, where it could actually get you killed.

She was like a drug to him. He had to be near her and know she was safe or thoughts of her would consume him. Perhaps he needed to go cold turkey, to just stop seeing her, perhaps he would be able to move past the memories and fantasies of her eventually. She was starting to sense him following her and that wasn't safe for either of them.

He had decided. No longer would Blake let himself follow Robyn, no longer would he let his life revolve around someone he had never even spoken to. He hurried to see Tommy, to cement his plans before he had time to change his mind. Tommy would help him stick to his resolution, he had been trying to persuade him to stay away from Robyn since he had healed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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