Two Weeks Later...

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Blake watched from within the trees as Robyn struggled out of her house on crutches. He knew that stalking her was wrong, but he had convinced himself that it wasn't really stalking, he was just watching over her, he still felt guilty for causing her pain and not being able to fix it.

He had cursed Tommy when he had woken up in his house, discovering that he had taken away Blake's choice to try to heal her again. Tommy had admitted Robyn to the hospital to get her remaining injuries treated, and then he had taken Blake back to his house to heal in private. If anyone noticed Blake's speed of recovery, they would have known he was different. It wouldn't take long for the wrong people to find out what he could do, then he would be taken away and researched. He couldn't let attention be drawn to his family and friends; so he knew that Tommy had done the right thing really.

Tommy had looked after him as he recovered; and he had been an awful patient. Blake had no interest in resting and recovering, he just wanted to see Robyn; to make sure she was ok. It had taken almost a week for Blake's bones to heal. During that time Tommy kept him updated with Robyn's recovery progress; it took everything he had to persuade him not to go to her.

Blake was drawn to Robyn, he could feel an invisible pull towards her. It had been there since the accident, since before the accident maybe. He got mad with himself for trying to avoid the blame; acting like something pulled him into her path, rather than accepting it was his carelessness.

Robyn was halfway up the road, she was surprisingly fast once she got into the rhythm of it. Blake found himself looking at her legs, his eyes drifting from the heavy cast on her right leg to her exposed left leg. He liked the way her long legs looked, the curve of her muscles as she hopped along. He wondered if she always wore skirts, or if it was only because it easily fit over her cast. He liked the tight grey one she was wearing today.

He told himself that he would just watch her until she got to work, he just needed to know she was there safe. She was vulnerable at the moment and he couldn't help but think of all the ways she could get into trouble. It didn't help that she had to take the bus, she hadn't replaced her car yet - not that she could have driven with her broken ankle.

Robyn got to the bus stop just as the bus arrived. Blake watched as she awkwardly clambered aboard and hopped to the nearest seat at the front. He followed the bus as best he could through the trees, only letting it out of sight when it took the route away from the trees. He ran to the bus stop he knew she would get off at.

It felt like such a long time before the bus came back into view, the problem with having speed is that time seems even slower when you are waiting for something. Robyn got off at her usual spot and went up the final stretch of road to her office.

Blake had done what he had planned, he'd seen her get safely to work, but he still couldn't quite pull himself away. He couldn't understand this feeling he had, he hadn't even spoken to this girl yet he needed to be with her.

He took one last look at the windowed front of her office before turning and running home. He had to get working on some of the projects he had lined up.

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