Midnight City

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5. Midnight City

It was dark out when the three boys set out on their rigorous journey to get some food for everyone back at the school. Liam and Josh was arm in arm, mirroring each other’s movements. Dylan began to think they were one person, the way they acted. It almost troubled him.

The twins were laughing amongst themselves as they grabbed bag after bag of food and loaded it into Dylan's truck. "Dylan, did I ever tell you about the time Josh and I went ice skating?" Liam began.

A slight blush fell over Josh's face and he angrily demanded, "Liam! That story is embarrassing, don't tell it!" Liam dropped a bag into the truck and held his stomach as he laughed. "I knew you would get defensive!"

Dylan stood there, his jaw hanging open, as he tried to figure out what was with them. They were so odd and cruel to each other.

He just didn't get them.

He loaded up the last bag of food and drinks and closed the trunk door before getting in to the front seat of the truck. He looked around and saw the twins had walked down the road a ways, staring at the now dead signs hanging around in time square.

"It's like the world just died," Liam whispered mournfully.

Josh looked down at his feet. "I remember there being so many people..."

Dylan walked over to them as the wind picked up at a viscous rate. "Guys, we should go," He looked up at the dark gray clouds floating above them, "Before it rains."

Just then, Dylan heard a light scratch against the pavement and he turned to find a bracelet, lightly skidding across the ground. He picked it up and held it to the twins.

"Recognize it?" He asked them as he glared at the small charm on it. He couldn't make out a lot of details, but it looks like a bunch of Celtic designs.

The twins shrugged in synchronization.

Then it struck him that he'd seen it before. "Oh, wait! I do. I think it's a teacher’s. Weird that it's all the way out here," He shoved the bracelet in his pocket as he spoke. "Guess I'll return it then."

Liam's eyes twitched as a raindrop fell on his forehead. "Uh-oh," He and his brother said at the same time. They looked up and saw the rain coming down.

Dylan ran to the back of the truck and tugged a tarp out from under a box of canned foods. He slung it over the trunk and tied it through metal hoops on either side, and the rain began to really poor.

The three boys piled in to the car as quickly as possible, but still got pretty soaked.

The twins laughed and shook out their wet, dark hair and grinned malevolently.

"You guys scare me," Dylan said as he put the car in to gear.

They drove to the school, even though it was difficult to see through the pounding rain.

When they got back they pulled in to the loading rooms, and unloaded the supplies into the cafeterias kitchen. Matt, a freshman and a vampire, came in and helped them. He kept turning his head to the side to keep his blonde hair out of his eyes as he held a few boxes and carried them into a large storage bin/fridge.

When they were done Matt clapped his hands together and said, "Well, I guess I could work on dinner with the others! Bye!" and he hopped back in to the kitchen.

Dylan decided to let the twins be and went to the art room. He got there and found the door unlocked but the lights off.

Dylan shrugged and figured he might never get the chance again, so he picked up a post-it note from the Ms. Shores' desk and wrote on it, then placed the bracelet next to it.

The note read;

Missing something?

He left the door ajar and walked back to his dorm with a good idea for a painting.

He got all the equipment out, arranged his brushes by size, and he mixed together a dark shade of blue and red to make a grim looking purple that fit the way the sky had looked.

He liked the gift of being able to paint images in other people’s minds, as well as on a canvas, and it helped when he tried to reference every day things for his work.

Dylan heard thunder and loud thumps on his window. He brushed his paint covered hands on to his jeans, which had already been covered in paint from his previous project, and he walked over to the window. Pulling the curtains open, he saw the distant flickering lights of the enemy. Just out of reach, waiting for the week of peace to be up and done with.

Young Blood (PART ONE OF THREE)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن