First Day

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Zoey's Point Of View
The next morning I wake up in a place I've never been before. I freak out for a moment until I remember everything that happened. 1) I was adopted by Kim Jongdae's family. 2) He and his friends are famous and I don't know how or why. 3) I want to find out who they are, but I can't tell Kai.

I roll to my right side and see someone sleeping in the bed across from me. After my eyes adjust to the light, I can tell that that person is Soo. I look around the room and find a bedside table to the right of my bed that has my phone and iPod on it. I grab my phone and see that it's 7:37. I get up and I hear a voice. Seeing as I don't know my way around the place yet, I follow the voice and end up in the kitchen.

"Hey Zoey!" Minseok is way too energized this early, at least wait another hour.

"Hey Minseok. So I wanted to take a shower, but I don't know where the bathroom is. "

"Oh yeah, here eat some breakfast first, then I'll show you where it is"

He slides some ramen with eggs over the counter to me. I smell something resembling garlic coming from the ramen. I quickly scarf down all the food seeing as I never ate dinner last night. I looked around to see if I could find Minseok, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I rinsed my bowl, then put it in the dishwasher. I then sat back down at the stool and took out my phone and started reading on Wattpad. I heard someone coming down the stairs, so I shut off my phone and stood up. Not a moment later, Kai walks in the doorway and smiles at me.

"Ummmm.... Kai, can you show me where the bathroom is, and like show me around the place?"

"Oh, yeah for sure. Follow me."

He starts walking away from me, but I run after him quickly. We walk right back up the stairs, and apparently my room is the fourth door on the right, after you come up the stairs, and the bathroom is right across from my room. I thank Kai, then grab new clothes and head to the bathroom. I jump in the shower and take a quick shower. When I'm done, I plug in my straightner and get dressed while I wait for it to heat up. While I'm finishing up my hair, someone knocks on the door.

"Zoey, can I come in?"

"Who is it?"

"Ahhh, sorry, it's Kyungsoo."

"Ah, yeah, I guess"

He slowly opens the door as if he's afraid that I don't have clothes on. He sees me straightening my hair and looks surprised.

"So your hair isn't naturally straight?"

"Nope" I say popping the "p".

"You should leave your hair natural sometime"

"Maybe I will."

I finish straightening my hair, turn it off, unplug it, and let it cool down. I wrap it all up and find some place for it in the cupboard. I walk back over to my room and put my heels on. I live in heels or sneakers, there's no in between.

I grab my bag and walk downstairs early so that the boys don't have to wait for me. I walk to the living room and see Kai sitting on the couch. I smile at him, sit on the other couch, pull out my book, and read.

Kai's Point Of View
I'm sitting on the couch when Zoey walks into the living room. I notice her golden brown hair that falls down over her shoulders. Her hazel eyes that have tiny specks of green in them. The way her hips naturally sway when she walks. She's wearing plain blue jeans with a pinkish orange tank top that sits right where her jeans stop. Her shoes are plain black wedges, all of this, her whole personality makes her look like a model, and she doesn't even know how beautiful she is. She looks so beautiful just sitting there reading her book, something so simple, that she makes it look so angelic. None of this matters though, I can't trust her yet, I need to get to know her more first, but that's going to be very hard.

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