Chapter 17: Something smells FISHY

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"Hey, I'm sorry I'm late!" Louise apologized while fixing his bag.

"Why did you go to the principal's office?" I asked.

"Um.. nothing important, he just wants to talk to me about something." he replied.

"Why?" I asked in a curious face.

"What are you? The NBI!?" he laughed, then patted my head.

"Let's just go." he said.

We went home together and we were greeted by the scrumptious dinner on the table.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Well.. it's a celebration for Louise!" mom answered.

"Don't you know he----" aunt Caroline was saying something but Louise covered her mouth.

When Louise finally took off his hand, aunt Caroline said,

"...That's why we're having a celebration."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing..." aunt Caroline frowned, she looked at Louise with anger and sat on her usual place in the dining hall.

"Let's just eat, I'm famished." uncle Nicholae said, trying to break the silence

We sat on the table and ate together.

Oh dear, I'm going to gain weight because of this,

there are various favorites and comfort foods laid on the table,

And when we say "comfort food". It only means "a plate full of fat."

The good ol' mac n' cheese, potato fritters, buffalo wings, baby back ribs and more.

Everything is eating happily except for aunt Caroline,

Suspicious, that's what I felt.

There's something they're not telling me, that I am sure of.

I tossed a piece of onion ring in my mouth and observed everybody around me.

Something feels wrong.

The next day Louise and I went to school,

He seems normal but I kept on throwing him questions and his reply is always..

"It's nothing." or "I don't know what you're talking about."

My investigation didn't turn out too well since I didn't get any hint at all.

I opened my usual packed lunch and Tina, Karen, Jane and I sat on our usual lunch spot.

Under the shade of the big apple tree with the view of the school's court.

"Hey! Isn't that Louise?" Jane teased while pointing at him focused on the soccer ball.

"Oh, shut up." I giggled.

Louise is always playing soccer with his friends when Gary approached him and they talked seriously.

I looked at them wondering what they're talking about and Louise walked away.

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