Chapter 18: I'm Over This.

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After lunch, we went to our next class which is Chemistry.

We went to the laboratory to do our experiment.

Out of random ballot picking I get to be paired with Louise.

What luck.

I meant bad luck.

Well not really bad but mediocre I guess,

It's good because the person I'm crushing on is my lab partner,

It's bad because even if he's smart he never shares the load of work.

I grabbed the items used for the experiment and asked,

"What do I have to do now?" I asked him,

Usually, he'll say.. "Oh you know, everything.." then laugh.

He's focusing on the test tube and the chemicals and said,


Wait, Am I hearing things or did he just say nothing?

"Are you sure?" I asked again, I couldn't believe my ears.

He didn't respond and in just a matter of minutes he submitted his lab project,

Well, if he does it so fast then why doesn't he help me before!? I looked at him strangely then he reached to his pocket and gave me some spare change.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Go home with Gary, I need to rest. It's some change in case you got lost and don't know the way home, just call a cab." Louise walked away and it makes me annoyed.

"Why can't he just wait for me!? I'm not going to take that long." I thought to myself.

I hurriedly submitted my project and Gary was waiting outside.

He took me home and we laughed all the way home.

I never saw this side of Gary, maybe I should forget about Louise and love Gary,

It's much easier for me since the feeling is going to be mutual,

But, I just can't.

Only Louise makes me feel this way.., I reached the house and he smiled saying goodbye. I told my goodbyes too then went in the house.

"I'm home!" I shouted, trying to get Louise's attention where ever he is.

I see Louise not minding my arrival and just watching an episode of his favorite cartoon, "The Fairly Odd Parents." I grabbed the remote and turned off the telly.

"What!" Louise answered quite mad, I was startled but it's normal I guess, he really gets mad when somebody gets in the way of his TV time, especially if it's this cartoon.

"Why are you ignoring me?!" I angrily asked.

"I'm not." he calmly replied then turned away.

"Well, you are." I threw back.

"Whatever, I don't want to argue about this anymore." he replied then got up the couch and walked away, I chased after him and pulled the gray tee he's wearing.

"I want to talk about it! I know something is wrong." I continued.

"It's not your problem" he bluntly answered.

I couldn't say anything anymore so I suddenly blurted out something hoping he'd be jealous.

"Gary asked me to the dance!"

He turned around and looked at me and I waited for his reaction.

"Then go with him, it's none of my business." he answered while slamming his bedroom door.

I dashed in my bedroom and cried,

That's the most hurtful thing that I felt eversince,

What am I expecting anyway!? It's not like he cares about my feelings,

He doesn't even like me.

My life sucks.

"Kris, are you alright?" my mom asked,

I told her everything and she hugged me;

She told me that maybe he is jealous then left the room.

For Pete's sake. He humbled my pride and only confidence that he likes me back,

I have no more confidence in myself at all.

I hugged my pillow and one thing that crossed my mind,

I'm going to end this.

I'll forget about Louise.


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