Leo and Nico's Investigation : Part 1

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A/N What's up people?  Anyways my Military Llamas. I have school but it's spring break soon! That means more updates if I am not too lazy to do. XP.

+×÷=%€£¥₩Leo's POV ₩¥£€%=÷×+

My head was pounding as I sat up whilst carefully unwrapping my arms from around Nico. The room was dark grey and there was only one bed. I'll let Nico have it. It's not like I have slept worse. On the other side of the room, there was a wood table and two chairs. They were both spinny chairs!

I clambered out of the bed, slowly over Nico, and jumped into the spinny chair and started spinning. After a few minuets, my hair set fire and my hands soon followed. "THIS BOY IS ON FIRRRRREEEEEER!!!" I sang  spinning faster and faster every second. One million questions sprinted trough my head. How did we get there?  Who shot me? Why was did I have my arms around Nico? He is my brother. I swore I'd be there for him... always.

+×÷=%€£¥₩ Nico's POV  ₩¥£€%=÷×+

I squinted as 'This boy is on fire' rang in my ears. There was a... spinny chair and Leo was on it. Gods help us. The floor was charred and the wooden desk, which was next to the spinny chair, was alight. I sat up and stood up out of the bed immediately regretting it. Black spots danced across my vision and the world spun while I staggered over to Leo, who had stopped spinning, I tripped and fell.

+×÷=%€£¥₩ Leo's POV  ₩¥£€%=÷×+

As Nico fell to the ground I caught him. "Nico. You should of stayed in bed. You need sleep," I scolded him in a jokingly motherly way. He laughed and turned onto his back to face me, "I don't need sleep mother," Nico retorted and tried to stand up before sinking into my arms once again. I gave a signature smirk, "Told you." He huffed and snuggled into my arms yawning slightly. (A/N I must draw a picture of this scene. It would be sooooooooooooo cute! Also should I make it a ship?))

After a few minuets of comfortable silence he gave off a small snore and I sat in the spinny chair - trying not to spin and Nico by my side - and waited for some people to come in, which they would because there was another chair. How was it meant to explain this mess?

+×÷=%€£¥₩ Amanda Waller's POV  ₩¥£€%=÷×+


Leo Valdez and Nico Di Angelo are awake for questioning, Ma'am," A burly officer told me before walking back out the room. Probably to deliver another message. I made my way to the interrogation room and when I opened the door... let's just say only a meta-human could of done it. Scorch marks painted the walls greying the already storm colored walls. The wooden table was crumbling away whilst two normal teenagers lay head by head in the chair. Their eyes blanketed by their lids.

"What the bloody Hell is going on?!" I demanded from the boys but only the Latino elf looked up and put his finger to his lips. "Don't wake Nico. Don't worry I can explain," He whispered quietly, his elfish features already growing on me. He is going to make a great asset to the team of he can do this in a room full of nothing. What can he do with something?

((A/N Short chapter only 599 words. Sorry I had to to do homework but I promise I will make the next one long a detailed and get it out earlier. Bye my MILITARY LLAMAS!!!!!))

Unexpected FriendsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora