Another day,another experience

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Frisk woke up and noticed four things. One, Chara was sleeping while leaning on the closet, two, a plate of buttspie on the floor, three,she was tucked in bed and the lights were off,and four,there were two stuffies in bed while her backpack was lying by her bed. One stuffie,a rainbow-colored star, was a so tiny it can fit in your hand or pocket,while the other was as big as a teddy bear,it looked like some sort of mix like a dog.....goat?.....thing. Frisk decided to keep the star-shaped one in her pocket. She didn't remember her backpack being there. Maybe Toriel placed it there. Inside was her stick,a box of band-aids.....Toriel must have placed those there.........also a shirt,a pouch of gold,a faded ribbon,a toy knife and a flashlight. She got up and decided to wake up Chara. "Wake up sleepy head" Frisk said jokingly in a singsong voice in Chara's ear. But to no avail,she didn't wake up. She decided to check her bag some more. She picked up a thermos of hot chocolate and a bar of chocolate. Suddenly,a hand snatched the bar of chocolate from her." Gimme that!" Chara exclaimed triumphantly as she grabbed it. She opened it and nibbled at the sweet,milky treat." My favorite" Chara mumbled as she nibbled the chocolate. "Heh" Frisk chuckled lightly. So thats how you wake up Chara,with chocolate.... That little monster......a chocolate monster at that. She peeked in the bag and saw a mini freezerbox with a container of chocolate bars,another with assorted cookies and another piece of buttspie. She began to place everything in her bag,including the stuffie." Did you know that Azzy used to call that thing Snuffles?" Chara asked as she carefully wrapped half of her chocolate in the wrapper,placed it in her pocket,all as she floated aimlessly about. Frisk was busy tying the faded ribbon into her hair as Chara spoke. She inspected the tiny,star-shapped stuffie." Has a sort of warm,bright,homey and shiny glow to it. Its made of silk,homemade,reusable. Heals 5hp." Chara informed.  Frisk smiled,she had a feeling Toriel made it.....but for whom? She stared at Chara,she was playing with a wooden dagger as if she were slashing something. Frisk checked the bag,inside were more star stuffies. She stared back at Chara. She was still playing with the dagger expertly slashing something pretend. She decided to explore the rest of her house. She got out of her room,Chara following her as she tucked her dagger in her pocket. She checked Toriel's room. She decided to peek at her diary. She read the part circled in red:Why did the skeleton need a friend? Because he was feeling BONELY. Frisk smiled. So mom makes jokes? She noticed the rest of the jokes were in the same calibre. She then peeked at a drawer. Frisk made a face. "Scandalous!" Chara exclaimed "Its Toriel's sock drawer." Frisk quickly closed it. She scanned her desktop and noticed a photo frame. Inside was a picture of three goats....and one human. On closer inspection,she only recognized two people in the photo... Chara and Toriel. "Who are the others?" Frisk asked,pointing at the the frame." Im sure you recognize me" she replied pointing at herself "and Toriel" she pointed at Toriel "this big guy" she then pointed at the goat with a golden yellow beard and hair,he's also wearing a pink flower shirt. "Is ASGORE,king of all monsterkind." She paused "people say he's a big fluffy pushover in my time. And lastly" she pointed at the tiny goat next to Chara "is Asriel,but i call him Azzy or Rei but he prefers Azzy. Those stars and the other stuffie? Mom made those for him. "The wooden dagger I was playing with? Dad whittled that out of wood for me." She had a sad smile on her face." Oh,ok" Frisk nodded as they left. She looked at a mirror and made a silly face,so did Chara." It's you!" She exclaims." Hey look a water sausage!"both Frisk and Chara exclaimed in unision. They both giggle due to its ridiculous name and saying it at the same time. Frisk checked the time and noticed it was time to sleep as Toriel got ready to tuck Frisk in. "Good night my child" Toriel said as she tucked Frisk in and kissed her forehead,then she left."Goodnight mom" Frisk and Chara said quietly. Somewhere else,a flower sighed as he left the scene from his view at the window,dragging along something shiny.
Welp theres another one... I wonder what is that "something shiny?" Hmmmm......*pretending to think* *lightbulb* also comment on whatchoo think
Chara:*is eating chocolate*
Frisk:*is eating buttspie*
Sooooo yah

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