Garnet's Birthday!

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I choose that picture cuz I can't add more then one. Or else it would be a lot of different pictures. But that's the pic for now. Peridot doesn't have a scarf doe. Her hair just looks like a triangle in my story.

Steven's POV
We all hid as Pearl went to open the door. As soon as we heard the door open we all came out with party poppers and screamed


Garnet looked so confused but then melted into a smile. She thanked everyone. We decided to open the gifts and then play some games. The cake will be last because everyone already ate.

TimeSkip to after opening gifts
"Now it's time for the games baby!" Amethyst yells.

"Oh!Oh! Truth or Dare first!" Garnet suggests and we all agree. It's her birthday she can choose. We grab a bottle and everyone sits in a circle. The circle was huge. 

Garnet went first. She spun the bottle and it landed on Amethyst.

"DAREEEE!!" She shouts without even letting Garnet finish. Garnet nods.

"Cuddle with Pearl throughout the whole game." She grins. Pearl was about to freak out but Amethyst was already on it. She sat in between Pearl's legs. Her back leaning on Pearl's chest.

Everyone was aw-ing about it. They were both obviously glad about it but were hiding it.

"Now my turn!" She spins the bottle. It lands on Lapis."Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." Lapis grins and Amethyst grins back.

"Kiss Jasper or Peridot for 5 seconds. I'm being nice and letting you choose." She winks. Lapis turned around to see Jasper around making a kissing face.

Poor thing, she tries too hard. Lapis turns to Peridot and smirks. I turn to Amethyst and she was smirking as well. Lapis grabs Peridots face and pull her in. They both fall to ground but right after five seconds Lapis gets up wiping her mouth and smirking at Amethyst. It was like it was all planned.

Peridot gets up quickly and runs to Garnet,"GA-GA-GARNETT!! SHE JUS-" Garnet pats Peridot's head.

"That's not the last time we're gonna kiss, Baby." Lapis winks at Peridot. Peridot scared and embarrassed cuddles up with Garnet.

"AAAHHAHAHAHAH!" Amethyst starts laughing her head off.

"My turn." She spins the bottle. It lands on Amethyst again.

"Truth or Dare?" She smirks.

"Dare." She winks back at her. Everyone was so confused.

"Make out with Pearl for at least a minute." She grins widely. Pearl made a face trying to hide her smile. Amethyst grinned and turned around to Pearl and made such a innocent face like she was all nervous.

Pearl couldn't help it and turned bright red. Turning to hide her blush she turned away. Amethyst cupped her face made out with her. Most people looked away. Some took pictures and some just stared.

They broke it apart and Amethyst nuzzled back into Pearl. Sitting like she was before and leaning back like she was the best chair ever.

"Alright now." She spins the bottle. It lands on me.

"Truth or Dare, Steman?"

"Truth..." I say nervously.

"Who's your crush?" Everyone starts "ooo"-ing. I blush. I lean into her ear and whisper it. She grins.

Steven Universe Human AU Highschool of the gaysWhere stories live. Discover now