When We Waz On Our Own (Leonardo POV)

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Well, I guess...

Dat maybe we'ze wuz finkin' dat dem GUN humies wazn't gon' pick us up and outta 'ere or maybe dey'ze late on doin' so.

Me n' Alan waz staying to shoot da crazy gurlz and fairiez, while Duck and Remy goes down ta give 'em a proppa fight. Bloody hell, Alan tellz me dat GUN wuz gonna cum pick uz up n' get uz outta 'ere, but it lookz loike dey'ze not cumin' anytime soon.

What'z 'appening wuz da 'ole buncha crazy fangurlz dat I fink has Lucy as dere boss! Alan 'n me started to dakka dem all ta zog while Duck and Remy startz ta fight them wif their choppaz!

Now dis is a WAAAAAGH!

Remy nearly got a 'eavy pin when Lucy waz 'itting him hard and starts demandin' ta us "YOU INSANE BASTARDS! GIVE SONIC BACK!"

I spat out from afar "NO WAY IN 'ELL WE GONNA DO DAT BLONDIE!" and ran 'er down in a 'eavy hail of dakka!

"YOU'ZE NEVA GETTIN' YER BOY TOY BACK, YA CRAZY BITCHES!" I shoutz out loud, killin' a lot of dem wif me big shoota.

Duck had the advantage over Lucy goin' weak and started to kill 'er by chopping 'er head off, Ha ha ha! Dat waz so bloody great! Fer a Space Marine, I fink.

Alan, wasn't havin' a push back ova da fangurlz as they klose in on 'im. Yet I 'elped his arse by picking them off in wif a 'ole load of dakka!

I 'ear one of dem saying "Let's get out of here girls!" and off dey go! Har, wot a bunch of weedy babies! Runnin' and screamin' loike dey'ze got a squig on dere legs! Har har!

Dat dough don't seem like dey is gonna leave da island as Duck pulled out of dem weird skull fingz dat 'e left in da air and started to fly afta dem!

"Come on! We may use that servo-skull to anticipate their next attack!"

N' so we did. Dat fing den gave us a good transmisshun dat was on now. We began 'earin ta Duck's voicey-boxes dat 'e putz in our ears!

It went like...

"Damn those monsters! First, Ever, then Aquarius, then Erza and then Lucy?! Have those bastards lost their minds? What drove them to keep Sonic away from us?!" Dat waz Mira we 'eard.

"Sister, please! Complaining isn't going to get Sonic back! We loved him so much we don't even know what they're gonna do to him!" Lisanna sez, tryin' ta kalm 'er sista.

"She's right Mira, in fact none of us can find out what they're doing up there!" dat drunk bitch Cana sez, soundin' sober-like.

"You all don't have to worry about the that, I will take care of it." Juvia sez, soundin' really serious as 'ell.

"What? Juvia? Why?" Levy sez, soundin' scared fer 'er friend.

"Because I love Sonic as all of you do! I love him so much I won't let those murderers do anything hurtful to him! In fact, I will get them with only the girls outside, and he will always remain in my heart. Only death will tear apart the love I have for him." Juvia sez, soundin' determined ta get Sonic back.

We 'eard objechunz from Levy and Lisanna and even wun of them triez ta stop 'er, but it looks like Juvia pushed off dat sumwun.

I like ta see 'er try it at 'er own risk! I was finkin'. Neva fought I'ze gonna fight Da Rain Woman.

Oh well. Dis is gonna be one good fight!

"At least we don't have to worry about any of the girls but Mira." Remy sez, lookin' real sore at fighting Juvia soon.

"Don't worry mate, it ain't gonna be long till dem GUN boyz come pick us up!" I sez, tryin' ta assure Remy.

"Well, what more can we expect? A whole army of them. With that insane gue'la woman leading them." Alan sez, soundin' wif determinashun.

"Get ready then my friends. We stand in the face of a horde of love-filled lunatics for now!" Duck sez ta us. I 'eard dat befor'!

Looks like Duck was right. Dere really waz a 'ole mob of gurlz comin' ta kill us and rape Sonic ta deff.

But I don't care. I just wanna fight.

In da next free hourz, we see a lot of gurlz about just a 'undred of dem komin' ta kill us and take Sonic. I'ze ratha die lettin' dat 'appen!

Wif only me big shoota, choppa and slugga and a lot of dem crazy gurls ta kill, it was gonna be a real fight! I was too busy tearing up da shit out of dese humiez real good!


Hahaha! I only want ta see a 'ole proppa mob GETTIN' blasted ta zog! Dis iz gonna be a great WAAAAAGH!

Then we all saw 'er, lookin' real mad and too desperate ta get Sonic back. Ain't letting dat 'appen.

"OI! I seez Juvia coming ta us! Kill her ladz!"

We didn't make a serious scrap on 'er due to her watery body sliding past all our hits! Seriously mad, she is! Ta really get Sonic back. Then she went too crazy pushin' us aside wif all dat wata.

She den made 'er way up and tried to pull back the stones 'olding Sonic after kissin' is mouth. I fawt fer a betta idea!

"Oi you! EAT DIS!"

Har! I blasted dat wata whore wif me new Shokk-Attack Gun! Dat body can't even save her insides from all da shock! While da uvvers were busy driving off da crazy Fangurlz, I went up ta Juvia and sez "Sorry dat you kan't 'ave 'im ya wata bitch!" and wif me choppa and slugga, came up with sum chopping and shooting her done wif a 'ole chop dat nearly cut 'er in 'alf! 'n a rip wif sum blood 'n gutz to da floor!

I'm gonna enjoy eating 'er afta dis!

Da rest of the fangurlz started ta run like da weedy runtz dey'ze are!

Dis wuz annuva great day fer us! Fer now..... cause dey come back for more!

Where in da bloody zog are dem damn GUN Boyz?!

Don't forget, R&C!

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