Broken Night and Street Lights

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*Lin's POV*

I slammed the door behind me and left the building.

Why the hell didn't she stop? Or pull away? Why? Why the hell would Chris dare that? Why would Jack just make out with her right in front of me?!

I pushed my thoughts aside and shook my head. I ventured out into the streets of the city.

Occasionally, I would look back behind me to see if Pippa or Chris or hell, even Jack were following me. But, of course, no one was behind me.

I felt my phone in my pocket start to vibrate. I ignored it two times. But it kept going off, I pulled it out of my pocket and answered the call.


"Lin? Lin, where are you?"

"I'm out. Don't worry about it."

"Lin-Manuel Miranda. Where are you?"

"I'm out for a walk! Okay? Am I allowed to do that?"

"Why are you so pissed at me?"

"Did you really just ask that, Pippa?"

"I did. Is this because of the kiss with Jack?"

"That's all you're calling it? A kiss? Really?"

"Yes I-"

"Listen. That was not a kiss! A kiss, I would've been fine with. A kiss, wouldn't have bothered me! That was a full on make out session."

I heard her laugh at the end of the phone.

"What? What are you possibly laughing at?"

"It's cute when you ramble."

"Phillipa. I'm being serious."

"Okay, okay. Lin-"

"No. Don't say anything unless you can damn well explain it!"

"Maybe don't cut me off, and I could explain it!"

I sighed.

"We were playing truth or dare, Lin. Nothing is off limits. I'm married to you, aren't I? I'm having twins with you, aren't I? I live with you, don't I? Where did I go to school?"

I sighed again.


"What degree did I obtain?"

"Bachelors of Fine Arts."

"Exactly. So I'm a pretty good actress."

"What doe-"

"It means that I faked enjoying that kiss, Lin. I only love you. I only love your kisses."

"But I do-"

"Lin. How are you still worried?"

"Because, this guy, who I hardly know, just walks into our home, eats our food, and a few hours later, is locking lips with my wife! My pregnant wife!"

I heard her laugh again. I was only getting more upset.

"Lin, Lin, Jack is-" she was cut off by her own laughing.

"Jack is gay, Lin! He has no interest in me."

I stopped in my tracks.

"Are, are you serious? Or are you just acting?"

"Lin. I'm serious."

I didn't say anything and I just kept walking with my phone to my ear.

I stumbled to a rough spot of the city and things were crazy. I picked up my pace.


I kept walking and I was stopped by a group of men.

"Aye look, it's a Spanish dude.."

The guys got closer to me, I kept my phone close to my ear.

"It's assholes like these who steal our jobs..."

"Lin, are you okay?"

The guys started pushing me around.

The confrontation got increasingly worse.

*Pippa's POV*

Lin wasn't answering, and I was getting worried.

I could hear muffled conversations and I was getting worried.

I heard Lin get pushed to the ground.

My heart dropped.

"GO BACK TO MEXICO" was the last thing I heard before the sound I never wanted to hear.


Three loud gunshots.

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