Here, There, and There

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*Pippa's POV*

I heard the three gunshots over the phone and my heart sank. I dropped the phone the same time I heard Lin drop his.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and fell to my knees, shaking.

"Pippa? What's wrong? What happened?" I hear Jack ask.

I kept crying, screaming and shaking, I couldn't form a response.

"Pippa, sweetie, you need to tell us. Is it the twins? Are you feeling okay? Is it Lin?"

I cried even louder at the mention of his name.

"Three! Three! Three!"

"Three what?"

"He was shot!" I said, still hysterical.

Chris and Jack helped me up once they realized the severity of the situation.

"Grab Sebastian, and head to the hospital. I'll go first to find out any information.." Chris said grabbing his coat.

I nodded and looked at him and then at Jack.



"You heard me. Leave."


"LEAVE!"  I yelled at Jack. I couldn't have him around right now. He's the whole reason Lin left in the first place.

Jack left and I grabbed my coat and rushed into Sebastian's room. I picked him up and grabbed his coat.

"Come on Sebby, we have to go see daddy."

"Is daddy okay? Where is he?"

"Uncle Chris is trying to figure that out. He's in the hospital."

"Daddy in hospital?"

"Yes bubba."

I could see the look of fear and panic on his face. As we left the apartment complex, I held him close to me and gently bounced him.

"Daddy's gonna be okay, I promise..."

He nodded and hid in the crook of my neck.

"Ssshhh... it's okay baby.." I said holding him close and kissing his head.

That's when it hit me; Lin was the only one he ever had until I showed up, and knowing that Lin's hurt, it probably really effected Sebastian.

I pushed away my fear and panic. I had to be there for Seb more than ever.

*at the hospital*

Chris, Sebastian, and I were waiting in the waiting room. Chris was pacing, and Sebastian was slowly falling asleep in my arms.

The waiting killed me; I couldn't handle it.

Just as I was about to get up to ask for any updates, a doctor came out of the corridor.

"Is he breathing? Is he okay? Can we see him? Is he alive?" I flooded the doctor with questions. He ushered for me to sit down. I sat down and he spoke.

"Mr. Miranda has been shot three times." He motioned for Chris to stand up. "He's been shot here, there, and there.." the doctor said and pointed to Chris's chest, shoulder, and leg.

I felt my heart sink again. "Did it hit his heart? Is he okay? Are the bullets out?" I asked, clenching to my chest.

"We managed to get all the bullets out, but I'm afraid the damage is very severe..."

I set Sebastian down and fell to my knees again.

Overactive hormones, and finding out that your husband has been shot and is in bad condition don't mix well together.

"You may see him if you please."

The doctor lead us to his room and we entered. Chris entered before Sebastian and I. He stood besides his bed and I took a seat next to the bed.

I gently grabbed his hand and kissed it. Sebastian then put his hand on mine.

"Daddy be okay, I promise mommy."

I smiled and him and held him close.

I notice Lin start to move his head around.

"Right here.." I said and squeezed his hand.

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