Chapter 22

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"You have a good memory," I joked as I opened the door of the car that was waiting for me at the end of the street.

"I know how to do my job," Suho sounded offended. "Mr. Do."

"Don't get me wrong," I lifted my hands up in defense. "But the first time I met you guys, you looked like a couple of losers."

"Are we gonna argue about this or get to work?" He asked, obviously annoyed. "Well mr. Do? It's up to you."

I looked at him and slowly nodded my head, "sure thing partner."

Suho shot me a glare before driving off. "Lay seems to trust you a lot," he remarked. "How did you get that from him?"

"History, boy. History." I pulled the bandage around my hand in its place. I kept fumbling with it while Jongin told me not to and now it loosened.

Suho didn't ask further and I didn't talk to him until we arrived at a small house.

I took out the gun to load it as Suho watched the process. "Nice toy you have there."

I looked up at him and saw the gun he was holding. It was smaller than mine and black. "Thanks, but I'm not planning to use it."

"No," he agreed and seemed to remember something. "Let's go."

We jumped out of the car and walked over to the dark house. "Is he home?" I questioned.

"One way to find out," Suho walked in front of me and climbed over the small fence that leaded to the backyard. I followed him, but hold onto his arm. "Should we be careful?"

He looked at me for a moment before realizing what I meant. "No, he works alone. That's why this is an easy job." He walked further and peeked through the glass in the door. "By the way, what do you get paid?"

"None of your business," I answered. "What do you get paid?"

He glared at me. "Why does Lay let you get away with doing those things?"

"Those things?" I asked surprised. "What do you mean?"

"Your outburst in his office, letting you pick up the money before the job." He clarified himself. "He gave you that gun didn't he?"

"You don't know anything boy." I turned the gun in my hand and hit the glass with the handle. I hit a gap and put my hand through it, searching for the doorhandle. I found it and unlocked it. "If he's home, now he knows he has company."

Suho pushed me aside and opened the door. Holding the gun in front of him, he walked through the kitchen.

It was quiet in the house and I was a bit disappointed. "Come on man, show your face."

"He's probably not home," Suho carefully opened the door to the living room and peeked inside.
I quickly pulled him back by his hair, "you idiot!" I hissed. "Who taught you to just put your head out without a weapon? You wanna get shot?"
I pushed him aside and walked into the room. Nothing.

I lowered my gun and looked around, "I'll try the hall."

Suho nodded and followed me. "Be careful."

I laughed, "stop acting like you care."

"If you get killed, Lay will shoot me." He whispered. "Don't do funny things."

"Like what? Walk on my hands?" I snapped.

He murmured something I couldn't hear, but I don't think it was anything good.
I pushed the door to the hall open and was greeted by nothing. Again.
I turned to Suho just as something hard hit my head from the side. I stumbled forwards and landed on my knees. Fuck that hurt.

"What are you guys doing here?!" A voice asked, obviously panicking. "Are you guys from Lay?!"

"Yeah," Suho answered. "Put that thing down." I heard the click from a gun as the safety was taken off. "No bullshit, buddy."

I slowly stood up and faced them again. "Holy fuck," I cursed as my hand touched the side of my head. "That fucking hurts you asshole."

"I just tried to defend myself!" The guy squealed. "What do you want?"

"Get out of Lay's business or..." Suho pointed the gun at him and whispered, "bang."

The guy squinted his eyes closed in fear.

"Why are you even in this business?" I asked and walked over to them. "You are shaking." I wiped the blood away that came out of the wound and looked at the empty bottle on the ground he'd hit me with.

"It wasn't my idea!"

"Calm the fuck down," Suho ordered. "What's your name?"

"Luhan," he lowered himself to sit on one of the steps.

"Who's idea was it?" I asked as he cupped his face in his hands.

"I don't know his name."

"Are you lying?" Suho's voice had changed since we had spoken to each other. More demanding and not taking no for an answer.
Maybe Lay didn't have such losers working for him.

"No!" Luhan yelled. "I swear!"

"Stop yelling," Suho spoke annoyed. "Calm down."

"What do you expect?" Luhan asked and stood up. "Two strangers breaking into my house is no joke to me!"

I walked away from them to the kitchen and searched in the cupboards to find a towel. I found one and turned on the water. I held the wet cloth against my head and winced in pain. Stupid Luhan guy.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I took it out and saw a new message.

Unknown number: Having fun like in the good old days?

Kris really could make my blood boil. Was he stalking me?

Unknown number: Don't shoot him, sweetheart. Jongin doesn't like badboys.

This time I decided to text him back. I threw the cloth on the counter and sat down on a chair.

Kyungsoo: Leave Jongin out of this

Unknown number: Oh honey, don't worry. I'll treat him well.

I was about to throw my phone against the wall as I remembered Baekhyun had paid for it. "I hate you so fucking much Kris." I said softly.
I stood up and walked back to the hall.

"Let's go, we scared the kid enough." I dragged Suho with me to the door.

"I'm not a kid!" Luhan protested. "Gosh, are you leaving?"

"Be smart and get out of this shit," I told him before pushing the door open. "I mean it."

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