Our First

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Aye how doing wazz good wazz up

Aye y'all I am back with the next chapter I hope y'all love it .

Love Emily. 

Previously on the reverse kings queen

Teo: Twi um😳 can I ask you something

Twilight : yes what

Twilight point of view

Omg what is he going to ask me . I hope he wants to date me or will he ask me to go get him some funnions. Omg the what am I saying. Twilight he is talking. O sorry.

Teo: um twilight .....

Twilight: yes teo

Teo: will be my girl forever


Twilight: yes... but let's get one thing straight

Teo: ok baby what is it

Twilight: you have to go to our school

Teo: no problem anything for you babe

Twilight: you want to go and hangout at Dave and Busters

Teo: yes just you and me 👌🏾

Twilight: ok ok ... o and one more thing

Teo : ok what is it

Twilight: will you get me a mask please 

Teo : Definitely baby

Teo: twilight you know that we will be matching on my first day right

Twilight: ok bae but I want to choose

Teo: ok .  I will pick you up at around 6:10

Twilight: ok cool

Skip to the end of the day

Twilight point of view 

Ok so I hopped in my car and made my way home

Once I got home I opened the and on the couch there was a note from my mom. It said that my parents were going to be gone for 3 months. But my older sister would be checking in on me.

Well I guess that is good
Anyways I went upstairs and took care of my hygiene and stuff. Then I got dressed o I am wearing this outfit

 Then I got dressed o I am wearing this outfit

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Later on at D&B

****: Hey Mateo who is your new hoe

Twilight: who is you calling a hoe with your nasty looking ass .you know what Keep talking, someday you'll say something intelligent.

Teo: aye look I don't know why you're following me ok I broke up with you a long time ago . Ain't nobody want your nasty ass.

****: I know you can't talk teo with your ugly ass . The only reason why you wear the mask is because you are afraid of showing your ugly ass nose.

Twilight: who is this hoe any way.

Teo: o that is my x jade

Teo: Bae lets go ok i can't stand being in this so called "girl" presence

Jade: Just letting y'all know . WATCH OUT !

Twilight: (mocking) just letting y'all know watch out . Oh my God I am so scared Mateo hold me .

Teo: (laughing)Jade go somewhere where somebody want you because I am hella Sure nobody want you over here.

Random girl : really girl ain't nobody want you over here you need to go.

Teo and Twilight : THANK YOU

Twilight: go before you get jumped hoe!


Teo & Twilight : SHUT UP

Teo : Bae lets go and see a movie

TWILIGHT: ok lego

Jade point of view

Ok so one of my clones told me that Mateo was going to D&B with some girl.

When I heard that I was so mad and I got in my car and went to the place so I could nock her out.

That girl made a big mistake stealing my man ok a big mistake. But that is all good because she is not gonna be around after I am done with her watch and see. She should have known better than to mess with me.


So me and twilight
Went to go see Bye Bye man and now she is scared so I am going to spend
Ok y'all I am sorry for any mistakes ok I still hope y'all like it

Love y'all

- Emily

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