😤🙅🏽Who she think she is💁🏽😒

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Hey readers I want to thank you reading my story. Please vote and leave comments I want your feedback . The first person to comment on my chapter will be included in my book. I really love you and I hope you enjoy. God bless 😘❤️

Twilight point of view Ok so quick flash back. My sister gave me and bae detention...... but it was his fault. Anyway back to right now, I look in the door way just to see that hoe jade asking if she can still tryout . She don't even go to this school , right ???

Jade ( thot ) :Miss can I try out

Ang: go ahead

Thot: thanks do you have the song coralline ( she gave me a death glare)

Ok so this girl knew that I was going to dance to coralline . I posted it on my insta just 2 minutes ago. Let's see what she is going to do now.

The song started to play and she began gyrating

After the 💃

Ang : girl you are good 😊 you are definitely made the cut I don't even need to ask the boys

Jade : aw thanks your really nice

Ang : your welcome sweetie and what is your name

Thot: my name is jade

Ang: ok well I am angel 😇 you can call me ang

Thot: ok cool

When the thot was done talking to my sister she walked in my direction and finally came up to me and said

Thot: I hope you don't mind that I stole your song

Me: I do mind and ( GCO)

Thot: oh and I am going to steal your man too

Me : look here gal na mess wit me because you got it coming for your ass

Then above everything she shoved me. This bic trying to die today.

Ang: why did you shove her . That is my sister

Teo: and that is my girl

Ang : you know what detention for you too .see y'all after school . Oh and don't try to skip. Twilight will tell you why .

Jade: look what you did now hoe. You ruined my Friday night.

Teo: look thot . LEAV MY GIRL ALONE OK BECAUSE I KNOW PEOPLE THAT WILL GET RID OF YOU ...... for free ...OK. I AM WARNING ⚠️ YOU NOW .( Teo walks away)

Jade : you got lucky bic . Next time your boy won't be there to save your 🍑

Me: listen 👂 jade. You best pray that Mateo will be around to old me back when I am beating your ugly 🍑 Up ok. Don't Get It Twisted 🍯.

Jade : ______________

Me : aw looks like the cat 🐱 got your tongue 👅. Bye jade.

( hey y'all this is jade )

( hey y'all this is jade )

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