🙎🏽 Maybe we need a Break 🤷🏽‍♀️

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Hey y'all I am back with yet again with another chapter for y'all please show love , vote, and comment .

We're​ we .. ok ok I remember now ( one month later)

Twilight POV

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Twilight POV

Twilight: bae let's go before​ we get left behind.

Mateo: nigga you have screaming
My name all morning.

Twilight : ok 1 don't call me nigga.2 I hope you know that Ayo out side . 3 I hope you packed

Mateo mumbling: Shit

Twilight: fuck you just​ say

Mateo: Chill I just frogot to pack my bags.

Twilight : The hell you mean. He is out side.

Mateo: it is ok I'll do it now

Twilight: Man what ever. Bye Mateo

Mateo :. ( From a distance) I'll be out in 5

I get up and go out the house then see a big ass tour bus. Once I get to the front of the bus the girls come and trample onto me. All I can hear is High pitch eeeeeeks.

Twilight: well I am happy to see you too.

River: omg you are on the ground . I'll help you up

Jay: can you believe that we are going on tour.

Lryic: I know. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't​ for you.

All of the girls : Thank you so much for everything that you have done for us.

Twilight: no need you are my sister's​

Jay: right.... Oh and where is Mateo?

Twilight: Mateo is still in the house packing up

Jay: What do you mean? Ayo made us all pack from last week!

Twilight: man I don't know WHY this little Boy Headass isn't ready . With his boulda back ass, Can I get a cheese burger with no chesse builtass. This boy Gofa back ass can't listen.

River: Um twilight you need to stop

Twilight. I am not done with his Lemonheadass his badger back ass Cocoa butter built ass I'm( Getting cut of)

Mateo: Boi I'm finna get on yo lobster tail mullet ass boi, ol granny titty nose havin ass boi, yo ass look like a kangaroo rat with no legs packman built ass boi, sausage neck ass boi finna finish yo double A battery nostrils havin ass boi

Twilight: I'd give you a nasty look but you've already got one.

Mateo: If laughter is the best medicine, your face must be curing the world.

Twilight: ke to see things from your point of view, but I can't seem to get my head that far up your ass.

Mateo : Did you know they used to be called "Jumpolines" until your mama jumped on one?

Twilight : ooooh I should knock your monkey ass out. Talking about my mamma ... My mamma...... I got something for your yellowHeadass.

Twilight: You ready... Yo mama so fat,

She fell in love and broke it.

River: No Warranty

Twilight: Yo mama so stupid,

I said Kool-Aid and she jumped through the wall.

Jay: Oh Yeah!

Twilight: Yo mama so fat,

She sat on a rainbow and skittles popped out

Lyric: Taste the Rainbow

Twilight: Yo mama so fat,

She got baptized at Sea World.

River: Father Shamu.

Twilight: want me to stop now baby?

Mateo: ( in a 4 year old voice)my brother is going to beat you up

Twilight: um no he isn't... He was recording the whole thing.

Mateo broke his neck just to find ayo recording the whole thing you should have seen his face. Priceless.

Mateo: you don't have to be soo mean.

Mateo took off running like a baby.

Ayo : man you really scared 😳 Mateo.

Twilight : yeah now I feel bad I need to go find him.( um no I don't)

I ran onto the buss looking for Mateo. I shouted his name and looked for him. Then something in my mind told me to check the kitchen. So I went around the bus opening every door until I came to the list one with a crystal knob. I turn the door knob slowly and see mateo on the floor crying and eating a big bag of funnions. Mateo broke my train of thought when he started to yell at me.

Mateo: Don't you hear me..... TWILIGHT!!!!!!

Twilight: what did you say

Mateo: you were roasting my mom....

Twilight: .................

Mateo : so now you can't talk ( gets up and started to walk away)

Twilight: hold up...... boo you were roasting my mom

Mateo: but that doesn't......

I got tired of his talking .... so I just kinda kissed him ....


Twilight: sorry 😐

Mateo: man why can't I be mad at you.

Twilight: I don't know 🤷🏽‍♀️

Mateo : you know what just .. just.. go

Twilight: but you just said th..........

Mateo: ( bluntly) go

Once he said that I felt the bus move . I got my thoughts together me made my way to the others. Mby Mateo and I need a break.

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