Chapter 2: The Different Colored Eye

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      I woke up in a hospital room. It took me a second to remember what exactly happened. How long have I been here? I questioned myself, because no other soul was in the room. Must've been a while, I smell like crap. As soon as I thought this, a nurse came in. "Hello dear, how's your eye?" she asked

     "I don't feel a thing! Did you save it? My eye I mean?" I just keep piling question after question on this lady, and she looked frustrated

     "Long story. When we got to your school, you lost more than one third of your blood. You were weak. We took you to the nearest hospital first, and they couldn't save your eye. They took out your old one and sent you to surgery to get a new eye. We didn't have anymore brown though, so you have one brown, one blue. You may not feel like yourself for a while, but I'm sure you'll get used to the eye."  

     That's a lot to process.  "Wait. So you couldn't save my eye, but you can give me a new one that functions and everything! When did that become possible? Will I act different with the new eye? What happened to the person who had my blue eye?" I could defiantly tell now that the nurse didn't want nor need to answer my questions, so she just left the room, making me think. "Before you go," I said in kind of a scream talk screech type thing "How long have I been in here?"

      "3 weeks, miss. You'll be able to go tomorrow after your mom checks you out of here, or your sister. They seem to come a lot to your room." And with that, the grumpy nurse left my room and I started to drift to sleep again.

    This time, I had a dream. And guess who it was about? Yeah, it was Camden. We went on a boat, and sailed to oblivion. It was pretty realistic, until the dragon came and killed Jack and made me run for my life. Anyway, when I woke up, Jack was in my hospital room. What? I stared kind of dazed and shocked that he would come to my hospital room to check on me. That was nice of him, very thoughtful. After a few minutes kind of being paralyzed, he talked "You okay there? Hi, the name's Camden. You must be Destiney, I've heard people call you D for short, am I right?"

    "You are correct. And you don't have to introduce yourself, you're popular, everyone knows who you are." I spat out, regretting it as soon as I said it.  

    "Well, not that I planned it out that way, I mean, I'm the new kid, I don't really like the spotlight.." and his voice trailed off,  but then it came back, "Just came to see if you were okay. I heard about what happened. A snotty girl from two tables behind you, Heather, threw the knife on 'accident'" he put air quotes around the word accident, like a valley girl would do. Before I could decide how to respond to this without bursting out with laughter, he noticed my new eye. He looked scared, and I tensed up too. Finally he spoke again, "What? your right eye is brown, and your left Which one was your original eye, and which one's not real?" Now he was starting to sound like Dory from Finding Nemo.  

    "Oh. Um, neither of them are fake. The nurse told me that the blue one came from someone else, I just don't know where or who or if the person is dead or alive, I've got nothing. But the brown has been mine forever, and the blue one I got a couple weeks ago." I responded. He looked at me in awe.

     "That's amazing! they have the technology to do that now? By the way, you look really cool with that blue eye, you stand out more" When he said that last statement, my heart sank. See, I'm like Camden where I don't like standing out. I assume getting stabbed wasn't a very good way to blend in, huh? But it was sweet of Camden to  take my new eye as a good thing right? Wait a can I be looking at...... myself?!

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