Chapter 3: The Discovered Power

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          What the hell? I tried to say, but my words would not come out. Why can't I talk? What's going on! But then, I heard a voice, it sounded vaguely familiar. Why am I even here? I'm supposed to be apologizing for Heater, not having a heart to heart with this girl. Although, she seems legit, I've never met anybody like her. I realized it was Camden.. Was he talking out loud to me and I'm just stuck in a trance of some sort? Or was it something else…

    But it only lasted for maybe a minute,  I was soon able to talk and see normally again. Then he said "Well, weather it was an accident or not, she said she was sorry half heartedly. Sometimes, that girl goes too far, I mean, throwing a knife at a girl with a bunch of teachers around? Sick, just sick."  I just stared up at him, a little confused, because he basically said the same thing to me not 2 minutes ago. "But anyway, I should go. I might be back, if you're okay with that..." This just confused me even more. Why would he want to come back?

    "Yeah, sure but I'll be back to school anyway, so it's really not a big deal." I replied, unsure what he'd say next. Except, that was the thing. He didn't say anything. He just left. So I did what I'd normally do when I'm stuck somewhere and bored out of my mind, I took my phone out, and starting reading my favorite book The Fault In Our Stars  By John Green. I was just about finished by the time a girl (I didn't know) came into the room. She looked my age, but I've never seen that face in my life. But as soon as she spoke, I knew it was Lizvette.

      "Nice to see you too." she smirked. I haven't seen her in.... years. I met her at summer camp when I was 8, but after my mom and dad divorced, my mom wouldn't let me go anymore. I thought I wouldn't see her ever again, but she was like a sister to me. We thought the same thing, we even looked the same. She would've been my best friend if we weren't separated for so long. We did everything together for the whole summer, we had the same schedule, the same teachers, and the same lunch period.

    The only reason I didn't recognize her was because her face looked sad. The whole summer, she was such a happy person, she was never depressed or down. Did I look like that when I was depressed? Well, if I did, I looked terrible. "Are you okay? You look terrible..." How mean can I be? This girl is extremely upset (trust me, I can tell) and so I just tell her she looks terrible... no wonder I've only got 2 friends.

    "I was worried about you. Your mom posted it on Facebook and I'm friends with her. I've been crying all day, and all day yesterday, until my mom said we could come visit you. My mom also said we're moving to Washington, and I'll be at your school. I made sure we were in the same classes, and we become best friends, just like old times."  Her smile was faint, but it was genuine. I couldn't help but smile back.

     "You haven't changed one bit. But I hate to see my best friend so upset, especially when something stupid happened during a food fight and almost killed me. The good news is, I'm not dead, so turn that frown upside down!" This made her laugh, a laugh ,I haven't heard in such a long time. It was that clean, crisp, laugh that you miss hearing. Then her mom came into the room, and I, once again, couldn't speak. And once again, I could SEE myself, like, I'm in somebody else's body. It clicked. I can hear what they're thinking, but they don't know I'm here!    But then, I heard a voice, It was Lizvette's mom. She uttered This girl has no idea what she's getting herself into...

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