Chapter 4: A Blast From The Past

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      For the rest of the time I was in that horrible hospital (two more extensive, boring days) I've been texting Lizvette a lot. She's told me that I'm missing our ELA class act out Romeo and Juliet which I'm quite glad about. I for one, cannot kept and straight face and talkth like thisth, it just cracks me up uncontrollably. She also mentioned meeting Jenny and Eric, who apparently are in many of her classes as well. They told her that they couldn't come see me because they were both too busy with homework, but they were extremely worried about me. I would've liked if they'd visit, but I'll be back soon enough.

      I got home on a Friday afternoon. On account that school had just let out, my mom said I didn't have to go, and that I was staying at my dad's this weekend. I'm not fully comfortable staying there, but I'll pull though I thought as I packed. As soon as I finished, not even a second later, I got a text from Liz. It said," hey buddy! Jen and Eric asked about when you're coming back, and I told them on Monday. I think they're planning a surprise party of your return."

    "Well it's not such a surprise if you TELL ME."

    "Oops sorry. Hey, I'm going to camp tomorrow, just for the weekend, you wanna tag along?"

    "Yorkshire wasn't taken down? Awesome! Count me in :) anyone else coming?"

    "Nope. My mom's just going to drop us off, if that's cool with you..."

     After reading her mom's mind, I'm not so sure I can go in a car with her and count on her to get me somewhere. Would you count on your friend's mom after hearing what I heard? Yeah, I didn't think so.  "Can my mom just drop me off and I can just meet you there?" Knowing Liz, I assumed for her to ask why she didn't want her mom to take me so right after I added "My mom wouldn't let me go otherwise."

    "Are you sure? My mom would be happy to take you."

   "No, I'm pretty sure"

    "Okay. Meet you there 6ish?"

    "Sounds like a plan. Can't wait!"

       And with that, she stopped texting me. The good thing about this was I already packed for my dads, so I don't really need to pack anymore clothes, just a sweatshirt and maybe an extra pair of jeans. The good thing about Yorkshire camp is that they have built-in tents, so you don't have to lug a tent around. The only thing bad about it is the fact that there's no internet connection anywhere, thus I can't read any online books, and will have to bring actual books. Witch isn't so bad, I just tend to loose things.

      Last night I barely slept. I kept thinking about Liz's mom, and what she meant by what she said. I hope it wasn't about me, but what if it was, I'm doomed. and What if she knows what my new eye can do, and was just trying to creep me out? Were basically my thoughts all night while trying to get a good nights sleep for camping the next day. I barely got 2 hours, when my plan was to get 10, so I was a bit groggy getting out of bed, eating breakfast, and doing some last minute packing, (like a comb for my knotty hair, my tooth brush, and so on. But soon, i had the feeling that i was being watched.

    I turned around and saw no one, trying to make sure i wasn't loosing my mind. So, I kept eating, and packing, and brushing my hair and teeth, with the same feeling that I was being watched. I'm gonna get whiplash if i keep turning around like this. I mumbled to myself.

    Then, I saw my curtains move. Not much, but enough to be noticed in my peripheral vision. I walked over to where my window was, pulled the curtains away from the window, and nothing was there I'm losing my mind, better get going before you go completely insane. And with that, I was on my way to Yorkshire.

    The camp was exactly how I remembered it. The lake to the right, camp to the left, and a big forest in the back. I didn't remember anything other than the scenery and Liz, for instance, I didn't remember the name of my old councilors or anything like that. My mom had told my dad yesterday that I couldn't come over and my mom said that he was really depressed. I'm sure your dad won't mind if you hang out with us. "Liz, why does your voice sound so weird?" I questioned

    "Huh? I wasn't even talking..." She responded with shock in her eyes

    Whoever you are, leave my thoughts! There's this thing, yeah, IT'S CALLED PRIVACY, and there's this other thing IT'S CALLED INVASION OF PRIVACY and that's illegal, so I suggest you stop reading my thoughts! I wasn't expecting someone to answer me, because I thought as this point I really had lost it, but apparently not just yet.

    There's a slight problem with your theory, my friend, it's the fact that if you do decide to contact the police, they'll think you're co co for Cocoa Puffs. They'll take you away,  probably to an insane asylum, where I'll still be watching your thoughts. You see, My name is Tris, the girl you got your eye from. I died in a car accident right after you lost your eye by a knife, so sorry, by the way. I'm now a ghost, waiting to take someone else's body and claim it as my own. Also, I wasn't the one watching you, that was my partner.

    At this point, I couldn't really do anything. She wanted my body so she could take my so called "power" and get her eye back. I'm horrified, but at the same time, I can kind of understand.

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