Chapter 5: Tris's Past, Present and Future

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     Tris hasn't left me ever since this weekend at Yorkshire with Liz. For having someone take over your body, it's not as bad as you think. She's a bit snoopy when it comes to living in my mind, but other than that, she's okay. Everyday though, I'm loosing control of my own body.

     I've asked Tris why she can't just become a mutant zombie type person in her old body, and she says she was ugly when she was alive, and that I'm much prettier than she was. I'm sure that's not true, so why was she complementing me?

     I found out that whenever I have good thoughts she takes over my body even more. It's like when I'm at my weak point, she'll try her hardest to take over the whole thing. Very clever of her. Very, very clever. But know that I know, I can fight it. I can keep the body that's rightfully mine in the first place. The only problem is she can hear all of my thoughts. And she knows that I know all of her plans, but she's hoping I'll forget at some point. I seriously doubt that.

     I also attempted to look her up on in internet. It could tell me bit more about her, and maybe give me some info on getting rid of her. I thought.

     I heard that! that's not very nice! she replied in a whine. I'm very forgetful that this ghost girl is watching my every move inside and outside my head. It's actually quite creepy when you think about it that way.

     I tried to get to the computer many of times. But every time I get close enough to turn on, Tris takes over and makes me walk the complete opposite way.  That must be extremely entertaining for pedestrians to watch. I tried at the library at school multiple times as well. Jen, Liz, and Eric were all there and were literally laughing their asses off because I was running into bookshelves and tripping over chairs every five seconds. After the third day of doing this, they started to get a bit concerned. I also sometimes talked aloud to  Tris saying things like, "Can you just sop already? I'm getting really tired of this!" and  "Tris! I just need to do a project!" This concerned them even more,

      "Who's Tris?" Eric asked one day, helping me up after I fell for almost the twelfth time today.

      "Oh. Her. She's um.... my imaginary friend?" I questioned myself, doing a shrugging motion to him.

      Being one of my only friends for years, he knew I was lying, "Really? You couldn't come up with anything better than that? I think you need lessons in lying." In the corner of my blue eye, I saw Liz cracking a smile and Jen giggling a bit.

     "If I tell you guys the truth you'll think I've completely lost my mind or you'll just laugh in my face."

     "If you tell me, I won't laugh in your face, as long as you don't laugh in mine when I tell you my big secret." Eric smiled. "Deal?"

      "Deal." I said returning the smile "I'll go first." I said 

      Liz interrupted my thoughts and said, "Are we allowed to hear or...." and motioned to Jen.

     "Sure. Fine. Whatever. As long as you don't tell anyone else."   Eric sounded annoyed.

     "Tris is..." I started. And then the final bell went off and my friends disappeared from sight.

     That was a close one! Tris sang in my head.

     Don't get too cocky Tris. I said in my mind.  I'm going to tell them sometime. You may be able to control where I walk, but you can't control who I talk to or what I say. Who knows, maybe they can help me get rid of you.

     We'll see about that. Were the four words that scared me the most when she said them. She left me suspense, and I truly hated not knowing what she was thinking. 

     By the time the second bell had rung, I'd forgotten that the school day was over. I quickly ran to my locker on the fourth floor (the school was gigantically big) and turned my lock to the correct combination. Luck was on my side that day, and it opened first try. It usually takes two or maybe three times to get it open, especially when I rushing to get out of this prison. Tris, did you open my lock? I questioned

     Nope. Don't even know the combo. Sorry, wasn't really paying attention to what you're seeing, just what you're thinking about.

     Oh. I grinned. Alright thanks!

     For what? I didn't do anything....

     I know. Thanks for being a nice person and not a mean soul I lied. I just got an idea. An idea that could possibly get rid of Tris for good.

                                                           ......... Later that evening...........  

    Hey Tris I said groggy in my bed

    Yeah? She whispered with a yawn

     What do you think Eric's secret is?

      Who's Eric?

      Ha! He said the same thing about you today.... I responded, rethinking the whole incident

     Oh! That kid. I don't know. Maybe you should call him. But not now, I'm tired

     You sleep?

     When you do, I do. I also have the same dreams as you. Except I'm invisible

     Huh. Who would've guessed. Okay. Night.


     Wait! One more thing. 

     Yeah?  She sounded a bit annoyed with me. But it's not like she could hurt me, right? Oh wait.....

     What state did you live in before you died

     Does it matter?

     Not really. Just curious.

    Minnesota. Why?

    You don't have an accent. Were you born there?

     Yeah. We have an accent? I assumed she meant  her and the rest of Minnesota.

     Supposedly. But you don't sound like you have an accent. I admitted

     Yeah, I don't think so either. I traveled a lot though. So maybe the accent didn't catch on that much.

      What was the last place you were? This was the information I needed!

      I was in Maryland.

     Never been. Is it nice there? I responded, trying to sound casual.

     Yeah. It's my favorite place in the whole world. I don't know why, it just is.

     Okay, good to know your favorite place. One more question before we go to bed. I mind-talked. What's your favorite color?

     More ridiculous questions? She moaned

     Come on, it's not so bad. So, what is it. trying to sound enthused but really just wanted some sleep.

     Okay, okay. Mint green. Good night.

     Now I could start my plan with that information. I smiled to myself and quickly drifted to sleep.

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