Chapter 1: Heat (Sebastian/Kimi)

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This is the short story I wrote a while back, I hope you'll like it :)

It was a beautiful day, but that meant that it was another one of those hot days. Even hotter than it usually was around this time in Italy, especially in this little room. Seb puffed out a little breath and leaned back against the wall, a few drops of sweat were visible on his face. When he looked around the small room he spotted the other drivers in a similar position. Everyone was just trying to survive and they were looking forward to be called into the air-conditioned room where the drivers press conference would take place. It was so hot that even small talk was too much for everyone and the room was dead silent, except for the official looking people running around with a distressed look on their faces.

When he darted his eyes around the room Seb spotted Gutierrez and Sainz exchanging a few words in Spanish which nobody else could hear and Magnussen looked like he was about to faint. Seb smiled, he knew exactly how he must be feeling as he had been in the same situation many times before. They weren't used to the heat like for example Gutierrez and Sainz and people often described them as 'weak' because of it. When their eyes crossed Seb gave him an encouraging nod and pointed to the water bottles standing on the table next to the door. Magnussen mouthed a 'thanks' and made his way over to the table.

Suddenly the silence in the room was broken.

'Fuck, it's way too hot to be in here,' Button cursed and he used a towel to wipe off the sweat of his face. His shirt looked drenched and it looked like he was ready to take it off completely.

The other drivers turned their heads in his direction and seemed to share Jenson's thoughts. Everyone seemed to have woken up from their trance caused by the heat and a few mumbles were audible in the room. Only one in the room didn't seem to be bothered by the heat in the slightest. He was leaning nonchalantly against the wall and the sunglasses on his nose were hiding his icy blue eyes. He was the only one who still had a jacket on and there was not a drop of sweat to be seen.

Seb had followed the stares of the other drivers as they were all looking at his team mate. Kimi didn't seem to notice them staring, or more likely he wasn't bothered by it. Seb smiled, that was typical Kimi, not fazed by anything. How often was an answer to one of his question just a shrug of the Iceman's shoulders or just a short nod. Still he kept intriguing him, as he never knew what was going on in his team mate's mind. He often caught himself staring at him, following him around with his eyes, just to see what he was up to. Kimi's eyes often hidden behind his sunglasses, but so blue when they were looking into the world. He didn't know why he found his team mate so interesting and he caught himself actively looking for Kimi in the garage or the Ferrari motor home when he hadn't anything to do.

Suddenly Kimi turned his head and was now looking directly at Seb, who felt his cheeks burning up as a result of being caught. Fuck. He quickly diverted his eyes and looked down to the ground, hoping that nobody else had noticed. He still felt Kimi's eyes and he didn't dare look up, afraid of having to make eye contact again. The lurch in his stomach at that thought told him a lot more than he actually understood.

'Guys, it's time. Please go inside and remember to watch your language,' the guy from the organisation told the drivers. He opened the door and tapped on his watch to remember them they were on a schedule. The drivers started to fix their appearances and Kimi finally took off his jacket.

When everyone had taken their seats the questions started. The first questions were directed at Magnussen as a result from his crash in Spa, so Seb had time to sit back and look around. He tried to keep his attention on Kevin, but his eyes kept going to the person sitting next to Kevin. The bright red Ferrari shirt like the one he was wearing himself was slightly too large, but that was how Kimi liked his clothes. He was leaning nonchalantly against the back of his chair and his strong arms were resting on the table. It made for a perfect sight of his tattoos and Seb imagined himself trailing those with his fingertips.

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