Chapter 3: Stranger (Sebastian/Kimi) Part 4/4

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Hi guys, the promised last part of this little story!
The song used was suggested by the lovely @VettelFerrari and is definitely not something I would imagine Kimi singing ever, haha!
I hope you like it though, it would love to hear your what you all think :)


There he was, sitting on a barstool which had been placed in the middle of the podium. With one foot on the floor and the other hooked around a leg of the stool Kimi looked totally relaxed. His laid back attitude hadn't faltered and the nerves Seb had felt being on stage didn't seem to affect Kimi in the slightest. He was just humming along with the intro of the song and was tapping his fingers on his leg, whilst in the other hand holding the microphone. Seb's eyes were still as wide as saucers, because this wasn't something he had ever expected to see. From observing Kimi all night, the story Lewis and Nico had told him and the little moments there had been between them had given him a different impression of the Finn. He seemed to prefer staying low-key and his lack of social interaction all night had bothered Seb the whole time. Even from only the short moments in which they had acknowledged each other he had found himself being intrigued by Kimi. They way he put his hands into his pockets, the sunglasses he had worn while being inside, his simple style of clothing and even the way he drank his Vodka. He didn't understand why other people didn't seem to notice that.

So Seb was taken aback by the fact that Kimi had chosen to be the centre of attention, but the fact that Kimi owned this bar told Seb that this probably wasn't something out of the ordinary. This made his desire to get to know Kimi even greater, because he kept surprising him, even when they hadn't exchanged a single word yet. He looked sideways to Daniel, the Australian looked to be as amazed by the situation as he was himself and he was glad that it wasn't only in his head. It was then that he heard a voice that made the hairs of his neck stand up. He slowly turned back to the stage and swallowed when he saw that it was indeed Kimi's voice he had heard. It was just like he had expected it to be, low, with an accent and he seemed to string his words together, which made it harder to understand.

'You got that thing that I been looking for. Been running around for so long,' were the words Kimi sang, although singing was a strong word. He didn't seem to bother with the melody, so what song he actually was singing was hard to understand. It was also like he didn't notice the crowd, because he seemed to be in his own world.

Not being able to tear his eyes away from the stage, Seb also seemed to have forgotten about everyone around him. A lot of people wouldn't notice, but he saw the change in Kimi's eyes. They were darker, but at the same time he could see that the sadness was less visible this time around. At that moment their eyes locked and he drew a sharp intake of breath, being caught off guard by that intense stare.

'Now I caught you, I won't let you go. You got that thing that I been looking for,' Kimi sang with his eyes still boring into Seb's. His expression hadn't changed, but he made no intention to break their eye contact. He just kept looking at Seb, which resulted in Seb turning more crimson by the second. 'And you got a heart full of gold. And that's really turning me on,' when he sang the last words a small smile curved his lips and if you hadn't paid close attention, you would have missed it.

Seb however hadn't missed it and his heart jumped in response. He felt his blood rush through his body and the sensation that small smile had caused made it difficult to breath. It was just a song, he told himself. These words meant nothing, nothing at all, right? He was still gazing into Kimi's eyes and he spotted yet another change. They glittered, yes, a twinkle was definitely there. It brightened up his whole face and Seb was sure his chest was going to explode as a result from his heart beating this fast.

'You are, you are, you are, you are, you are. Everything that I dreamed of, now we can paint our picture. You are, you are, you are, you are, you are. Making my life much greener,' Kimi continued in his monotone voice. While he sang these words his expression had softened, showing a few crinkles in the corners of his eyes. His eyes were still on Sebastian's and other people had started to notice. Kimi didn't seem to be aware of this, or didn't mind, because he shot Sebastian a rare smile.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2017 ⏰

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