Chapter 3: Stranger (Sebastian/Kimi) Part 2/4

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I know I said that this story was going to have two parts, but when I start writing everything automatically gets longer than intended, oops. I'm definitely not good at writing one shots, because there is going to be a third chapter. Although this time I'm sure that will be the last!

I hope you'll like it though and I would love to hear some feedback, as this is the first time including other F1 characters than Seb/Kimi in the story :)

It didn't take long before they had found the bar, as you couldn't really miss it. The building was painted red and the name was written in large white letters above the entrance. They stopped walking when they had reached the door. Jev peered through the large window, but dark curtains hid the space inside from the world outside.

'Iceman's Karaoke,' Daniel read out loud and he looked at Seb. 'Iceman. Weird name, right?' he asked.

'Guys, I don't know if this is such a good idea,' Dany then said and he indeed looked really unsure. 'I don't want to sound rude, but it looks a bit like a brothel,' he said with hesitation in his voice. 'Are you really sure it's just a normal karaoke bar?' he asked Daniel.

Daniel pulled out the now creased flyer from his pocket and tried to find an indication of the bar being anything else than just a karaoke bar. 'It looks alright mate, I don't know,' he said while putting his hands in the air.

'There's only one way to find out then,' Seb suggested and he walked to the door. He turned back to his friends when he noticed they hadn't followed him. 'Guys?' he asked and he grinned when he spotted the indecisiveness in their eyes. Sometimes they were just big babies and then they dared making fun of him for not being as direct with people as they were. He had to admit though that he also felt a whole lot more adventurous than he normally would have, as the four shots of Vodka definitely had an effect on him. It felt good to let himself go and leave the pressure of work behind. He loved his job, but it often felt like it prevented him from living his life to the fullest. He just wanted to break free from all of that for one night and for once do things he would probably end up regretting the next morning.

With his mind already on more alcohol Seb pushed open the door and signed the others to follow him. Reluctantly they followed him inside and they all sighed in relief when the bar looked completely normal and there were no half-naked women in sight. With newly found confidence Seb walked over to the bar and asked the barman for another round of shots. They all had given up on being responsible and they already had put some money aside for the cab back home. When Seb looked around he noticed the bar almost being completely full, it seemed like there had apparently been a need for this concept in the neighbourhood. The audience was quite diverse, although the amount of women of a certain age seemed to be the largest group.

'I'm so relieved,' Dany pushed himself between Seb and Jev and he looked a lot happier than he had been outside.

'Yeah, naked women is a bit too much to handle for you,' Daniel laughed and he patted Dany on the shoulder. 'I on the other hand, am a bit disappointed,' he added while he looked around him.

'Don't let Jemma hear you. Although there seem to be quite a few women interested in you already,' Jev joked and he waved at a few older ladies sitting at the bar who were eying the group with interest. They waved back eagerly and Jev winked while he pointed at Daniel.

Daniel turned a bright shade of red and pushed Jev so that he almost fell over. 'I forgot how much of an asshole you can be. This is what I get for all those years working together with you?' he hissed while he turned his back on the women who were still trying to get his attention.

At that moment the barman put the Vodka shots on the bar and Seb eagerly handed them out to his friends. 'Come on, drink up. Then we can decide on a song and put ourselves on the list,' he said happily.

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