Chapter 2: Ice (Sebastian/Kimi)

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This is my second Simi fic and the plot was suggested by @VettelFerrari , so thanks for that! I hope you'll like it :)

'No, definitely not,' Seb looked at Kimi as if he had gone mad. 'I'm not doing this,' he added with a look of horror on his face. His hands were wrapped around a coffee mug and he had positioned himself in a lazy position on the sofa. He was definitely sure now, Kimi had gone crazy. Why did Kimi think he would ever agree to something like this?

Kimi shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of the beer he was drinking. 'Why not?' was his short response when Seb didn't seem to want to explain any further.

'Because I'm not mad?' Seb explained with his eyes wide and disbelief was audible in his voice. He casted a glance outside and with a shiver turned his attention back to Kimi. The world outside looked even colder than it had done before Kimi had made his suggestion. The snow covering the trees looked peaceful and delicate, the ice hiding the lake underneath reflected the sun and Seb was sure this was what false security looked like.

'Everyone does it in Finland,' Kimi said as if that explained the matter. His eyebrows were raised and an amused grin had appeared on his lips when he had spotted the perplexed look on Seb's face.

This explanation made Seb roll his eyes and he stretched out his legs so that they were now resting on the coffee table. 'Yeah, now I definitely think it's normal,' Seb huffed sarcastically. He stared at Kimi who was laying on the sofa opposite him. He started to regret accepting the offer of his friend to join him on his trip to his residence in Finland. He could have been in his warm and cosy home in Switzerland right now, instead he was trying to keep himself warm on one of Kimi's sofas.

'Why do you always have to be so dramatic?' Kimi grinned. With one arm behind his head and the other one in use to hold his beer he looked more like a lazy teenager than a professional athlete. That didn't seem to bother him as was clear from his baggy shirt and sweatpants which were hanging dangerously low on his hips.

Seb scoffed and threw one of the cushions which were laying at his feet in Kimi's direction. It hit him in the head and that caused a stream of angry Finish sentences. That made Seb laugh and he put down the empty coffee mug. 'Just because you are the coolest guy there is doesn't mean everything else can be called 'dramatic',' he said while he caught the cushion Kimi had thrown back at him. He couldn't help himself noticing how Kimi's sweatpants had slipped even lower and how his shirt had ridden up as a result from him stretching to throw the cushion. The porcelain white skin in contrast with his toned muscles, which were just visible underneath the fabric, made for a beautiful sight.

'I worked for Ferrari for many years, I know what drama looks like,' Kimi said sounding serious and he scratched his chin. The corners of his mouth had lifted a little though and when he took another sip of his beer he chuckled.

'What?' Seb asked suspiciously. He tore his eyes away from Kimi's body and lifted his head so he could see Kimi's eyes and tried to understand what his team mate had meant.

A laugh filled the air and with a wave of his hand Kimi turned his attention back to Seb. 'Believe me, you often act more Italian than they do,' he said with a small smirk now playing on his lips. He wasn't a guy of many emotions, but just the little signs gave away how he thought about something. Another cushion was flying in Kimi's direction, but this time he used his trained reflexes from driving a car at high speed around a track to catch the cushion before it could hit him.

'I'm not going to jump into icy water, I just won't do it,' Seb raised his voice and he crossed his arms to strengthen his case. Just the thought of having to get into freezing water made his body shake and he glared accusingly at Kimi as if that was his fault.

Formula 1 One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें