The Majestic Sea Lions

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Chapter 3

It was amazing how great it was to swim. But The Majestic Sea Lion seem bothered as if he needed help. So I followed him. He took me down into the ocean and there was 2 more Majestic Sea Lions trapped in a box. So I said "this must be your family, don't worry I'll get you out." I went back up and to my house to get a bolt cutter and then went back down. They sounded so nervous I started to use the bolt cutter to opened it.

Then I had got it cut open. They had swam around so happy and came towards me stroking against me. I touched there heads and said, "You're welcome." The Majestic Sea Lions swam and wanted me to follow them. So I did and when I followed them it seems like they was going to an underground wall. I didn't understand at first but they swam through it. The wall was an illusion and I saw all the ocean creatures that my parents had told me about when I was younger.

All the stories they told me as I was younger of course I believed they was true but when I got older I thought they was just stories. One night my parents told a story about ocean creatures that live in a place called the oceans life. Saying that every creature lives there helps puts the life within the ocean. All creatures there has different jobs to keep the life within the ocean alive. I thought they were myths until now I couldn't believe it how incredible this place was.

All the different creatures my parents told me were true. The sun begins to rise and I have to be at home before Aunt Shirley notice I was gone. So I swam back home took off the wet cloths threw it up under bed. Then hopped on the bed and just in time to Aunt Shirley open the door and said "The sun rise so you rise Clair, time for you to get ready for school."

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