My Parents Kidnapp

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The day I was born, I was born with white hair and blue eyes. I never knew why I had white hair because my mother hair was blond and my father's was brown. I always thought that I have blue eyes because my mom has blue eyes but her eyes are more like light blue as the sky and mines are blue as the ocean. As my mom carried me into her arms, my dad was standing next to her and my mom cried tears of joy. She had given me a necklace, it wasn't much of a necklace. It looked like a black string with a marble on it, the marble had a picture of the ocean waves.

By the way my name is Clairece but everyone calls me Clair instead. 6 years after I was born there was a break in, I jumped out of bed and ran to the door. I look to the left and saw my parents, they ran to me and said,"sweetie go back into your room and hide in your closet and no matter what happens do not come out." So I did what I was told. Then from my ajar closet door I saw a very big man walk into my room. It looked like he was looking for someone or something. As scared as I was I slowly backed away from the closet door and accidently knocked over one of my toys. Then the strange man turned his head and slowly walked to the closet door, so I climbed up to the top shelf of my closet.Then before he had the chance to open the door I heard someone say,"Let's go the boss said if we didn't find her by now we will get her later."

Then he stood there and stared at the door and still opened it. He looked through my cloths and through my toys. But he didn't see anything so he left. Then I climbed down. As I slowly open the closet door looking around my room making sure no one was in there. Then I ran down the stairs as fast as I could. I yelled,"Momma, Papa!!!, where are you guys?!!!!" I looked everywhere for them: the living room, the kitchen, I even looked in the spooky attic. Then I ran back upstairs and looked at my parents bed. Then I laid in it and begin to cry myself to sleep. Then next morning I heard a knocking at the door. I was excited yet scared, I was excited because I was hoping it was my parents coming back to get me. But I was scared because I was thinking maybe it was the people who took my parents.

Then they knocked again so I quietly said,"Who is it?" They said,"Its me Aunt Shirley." So I quickly open the door and jumped into her arms crying. Then I told her everything that happened last night. She ran to the phone and called 911. While I was crying into her arms she was trying to calm me down. Then after 2 hours I stopped crying and went into the living room and saw my Aunt Shirley talking with the police men. The 2 police men asked her questions. Like does she know who burst into the house or was she there when it all happened? Then when the police man got through asking questions, they left. Then my Aunt Shirley came to me and said,"Don't worry we will find them in the mean time you will come to my house and stay with me, ok?" Then I answered,"ok."

Ten years later I was waking up getting ready for school. I went into the kitchen where my Aunt Shirley was cooking breakfast. "I still can't believe that you don't want anything for your birthday, I mean you know that today is your birthday right" said Aunt Shirley. "Yes, Aunt Shirley, I know that today is my birthday" I told Aunt Shirley. "You know that I don't like to draw attention to myself, so treat this day like any other day," I said. "Are you sure?, Cause I know how to throw a party," said Aunt Shirley. "There better not be a surprise party when I get home, love you bye!!!" I said as I walked out the door.

"School is the one place that I get to hang out with my friend David," I said as David walks up to me. "You know I'm your only friend right" said David. " Yes and keep talking like that I will find a new friend to replace you with," I said. We walked into class and David said," I don't know if I should be offended or relieved." Then I smiled at him with my mouth open. Mr. Owens walked in the room," Morning class hope everyone had a good weekend, but now it's time to get back to work." As the teacher spoke I felt a very strange tingle on my neck as if someone was watching me through the window. I looked outside and no one was there.

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