Stranger in Tessa's Room

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"Get up you sleepyhead." a voice says. I mutter and turn to the face the other side, hoping to not be disturbed. But whoever this is clearly doesn't respect my decision of getting more sleep. Thwak the pillow hits me in the face. "Were going to be late Lilac..." the voice is irritated. No one ever gets between me and sleep, sleeping is the most precious thing that can exist especially if it is in a king sized bed with velvety soft covers. No one interrupts my sleeping unless your name is Tessa Stone my multi-billionaire, spoiled to hell, best friend.

Another pillow hits me, I decide to get up before Tessa assaults me with an avalanche of fluffy pillows. "Good morning sleeping beauty!" Tessa says way to animatedly for her usual morning self.

I yawn, my hair probably looking like a horrid mess that the brush won't be able fix. "Tessie it's 4 in the morning, why are we up so early." I'm already rolling back into bed, fluffing the pillow and setting my head against it.

She rips off the covers, almost slapping me in the process. "We have a plane to catch in an hour Lil." Tessa deadpans to my clueless sleepy face.

"Can't we just wait for some other day to do this, I'm really not in the mood." My eyes are almost completely shut. My brain still fuzzy with the grogginess of sleep. I'm clearly forgetting something important is happening today.

"OhMiGod!" Tessa squeals in her dry sarcasm. "You totally forgot, Tarver is so... gonna kill you for this Lil." She slaps my leg making me yelp, sitting up on the bed.

"Shit you're right, I'm not going to be ready in an hour." It just hit me like the pillows Tessa smacked in my face. Today my brother is getting married.

Tessa's hair is wet, she just took a shower. I grab a brush my towel, and all my other junk walking towards Tessa's own bathroom. "I'll get your outfit ready Lilac. Anyways it's just for the ride because as soon as we land on Hawaii were going to change into the bridesmaids dresses.

"Kay." I shut the bathroom door as I let the hot shower begin to run. At the very least the steamy water will help me wake up properly. As I get out I let out a small muffled screech of surprise. "Who the hell are you?" I ask as I tighten the towel around me.

His eyes rake my body and I can't help blushing, this stranger in Tessa's room is checking me out almost naked. His crystal blue eyes are heartbreakingly beautiful. "I'm Tessa's childhood best friend." He says plainly but damn does he have a deep sexy voice to with the rest of his irresistible self.

" that is me." A sudden confidence surges through me even though I'm not even properly clothed.

A smirk twinkles in his eyes. Damn... his eyes. " Didn't mean to offend anybody." He lifts his arms up in surrender. "But me and Tessa used to make mudpies together when we were little."  

I have no answer for him. I can't think straight and I can feel the sexual tension growing in the room stronger by the second. I should say something but I'm to engulfed in his hotness. The way his shirt clings a bit to tightly to his perfectly sculpted body is giving be dirty thoughts. Snap out of it Lilac your in just your friggin towel and your letting this stranger look at you in a way that is so wrong. Or maybe not. 

He walks out the room in one swift movement. Shutting the door behind him, leaving me alone gasping, feeling something. Desire, a deep almost animal savage wanting, I want him so bad... bad.

I dress quickly with what Tessa left for me. It's a short flowy white summer dress that I pair with a pair of coral colored flats. I get the blow drier and dry my hair letting it fall into its soft natural brown curls. I apply minimum amount of makeup. A bit of mascara, a thin line of eyeliner, a small layer of lip gloss. I smack my lips. Taking one last look in the mirror satisfied of how I look, I shut the door of Tessa's bedroom behind me.

Walking down the stairs I search down at the main foyer. In case the stranger guy is there, but he's not there. Instead Tessa and both our families wait down stairs with all the luggage already in the cars.

"Lil ride with me." Tessa says from beside me. 

"Okay Tessie as long as I get the seat by the window on the plane." I tease her.

"Sure thing captain." she gives me a mocking salute and I roll my eyes. We get into the black limos. Luke, Tessa's favorite driver who has known us since we were toddlers, opens the door for us and we get in.


On the plane I sit next to Tessa in first class. And guess who is sitting right behind me... yup that stranger from Tessa's room. He hasn't acknowledged anybody besides Mr. Stone who is Tessa's dad. 

Speaking of Tessa she is snoring lightly right next to me. Seriously this girl can sleep anywhere and anytime. And I can't sleep on planes, the seats are not comfortable and I get air sick way to much. The thought that my butt is flying more than 39,000 feet off the ground does not leave me at ease. It's quite terrifying if you ask me. A plane crash is definitely not how I wanna die.

I've been dying to ask Tessa about the gorgeous-blue-eyed- stranger, but the fact that I would have to tell her of the embarrassing incident it all just makes me want to shrink into my seat. There would be a twinkle in her hazel eyes, a teasing-evil smile playing on her lips. Hell no... I am in no way in hell telling her. Besides he is in the row right behind us, there is a risk he might hear and well wouldn't that be awkward.

I feel the plane shudder a bit downwards, we're landing soon. I feel nauseated and anxiety but underneath all of that, like any girl I'm excited to go to Hawaii. The pretty beaches, the nice heat for nice tans, hot Hawaiian guys, beautiful blue oceans. Blue oceans the color of... of strangers eyes. That strong beautifully heartbreaking blue. Shit I'm being delusional now. 

I shake Tessa awake. "Huh." she groans opening only one eye to look at me.

"Pirate, were landing." I tease her.

She smacks my arm as she opens her other eye. The sleepiness erased from her face in the matter of seconds. "I ain't not pirate." she giggles.

I roll my eyes. "Oh Tessa." I sigh as I brace myself for landing. Yup I hate airplanes more than anything.

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