Vincent Gray Has To Get Married

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When I wake a sweet but sharp aroma hits me. The scent comes from something close by. My pillow. My pillow smells like cologne. I turn my head towards it trying to inhale more of it when I realize that my pillow is not a pillow. It's an arm and let me say the arm is sexy as fuck. I look up just to be drowned by the sight. The stranger from Tessa's room is looking down at me with those beautiful orbs of his. A slight smirk plays on his lips and curiosity looms in the depths of his heartbreaking eyes.

Wait, what is that stranger doing here in my bed? That's when I realize I'm not in my bed. Oh Shit! I slept with the guy that I met in Tessa's room and I don't even know his freaking name. Oh Lilac you're so dead. The events of last night keep flooding in. I'm about to tell- to say something but then the door opens and an older looking man walks in.

He's mad. No he's not mad this man is furious. He's holding one of those gossip magazines that Tessa likes reading. "Vincent what the hell is this." Ahh so gorgeous blue eyed stranger's name is Vincent. The man drops the magazine on the bed. The only thing that goes through my head is that I'm so relieved that I'm wearing Vincent's shirt over me because this man looks at the both of us so intensely, radiating anger and something else worry. 

Vincent looks frustrated as he runs a hand through his hair. He mutters curse words under his breath. I look at the magazine and just guess who is on the cover of the front of the most read gossip magazine. Yup Vincent at me. It's a picture taken from a side angle but you can see his arm around my hips as we walk into the hotel. The caption underneath reads 'Vincent Gray having another interlude or is it his secret fiancee?' I close my eyes as I realize what is happening. And that Vincent is not just any normal Vincent. He's Vincent Gray the heir of the Gray multi billionaire companies. One of the youngest richest men in the world.

"Please don't bring her into this Asher." Vincent mutters.

"You were warned and were already spinning a story that won't ruin your reputation." Asher says back.

"What is it that I have to do?" Asher asks.

Asher rolls his eyes. "You mean what both of you have to do."

"No." Vincent says coldly.

"Yes. You have to get married." Asher sarcastically remarks.

"What? Married?!" I squeak out. I'm so confused that I can't even be angry. 

"Meet me at lunch in room 207 and will discuss this." And with that Asher strolls out the room.

I'm so mad. I begin getting out bed but Vincent's arm wraps around me coyly. How could I have not known he was Vincent Gray the biggest player out there. He did all the girls there wasn't anything his money couldn't buy.

I pull his arm away and get out of his bed. I take off his shirt and throw it at his face and I begin putting on my Lilac colored dress. "You really didn't know who I was?" Vincent says with an arrogant smirk which is quite seductive.

"Of course I did. An arrogant prick dressed up as a king." My voice drips sarcasm as I walk out the door. I make sure to slam it hard on my way out.

I scurry down the hall down to my room. I open the door and there sitting waits Tessa Stone for me. She has a devilish grin on her face. She can't know? HOW? I look at her hand and there sits the gossip magazine with me and that prick Vincent as the front cover.

"OhMiGod! I knew it. I knew it." She jumps around the room like a little child. 

"Wow best friend ever." I roll my eyes sarcastically. I'm very sarcastic today. 

"I know." She plays back. "Now sit down and tell me everything from the beginning don't you even dare miss a single juicy detail." And I agree.


"I have to go Tessie." I tell her as I yank myself out of her grasp.

I hadn't told her about the whole lunch thing with Asher and Vincent. Much less was I going to tell her about the whole 'You have to get married.' thing. "Where are you going that it is way more important than me?" Tessa asked.

I sighed, she was not letting me off the hook. "I have lunch with someone." 

"Ahh... and by this someone do you mean Vincent Gray." Tessa said in a singy-songy voice. "And why are you dressed like a hobo when your going on a date with a super hot piece of meat?" She looks at me in pure disbelief. I can see the wheels in her mind turning, I bet you she is mentally planning what I should wear on this so called date. 

"Tessaaa... it's not a date. It has to do with the whole scandal thing on that gossip magazine. Plus this other man is going to be there so it's technically not a date." I inform her.

She squeals "Lil, it can be a double date then."

I roll my eyes amused imagining her going on a date with Asher who is in his 60's. I smirk "Sure Tessie, if you are interested in a 60 year old man."

She loses the spark in her eyes, disappointed "Shucks, then I guess it won't be a double date, it will be just you and your prince charming."

"He's not a prince in fact I think he is an annoying king boy who thinks he's all that when he is just a pain in the ass." I tell her. "And I just met him yesterday."

"Awww... you talk about him--OhMiGod it's so cute." She gushes. Tessa looks at me noticing I'm not one bit amused. "Of course hun... only you would know he's a pain in the ass." Her dirty mind.

I begin walking out when she pulls me back in. "Can I please go." She gives me the puppy eyes. The ones I can never resist, the eyes no one can resist. And when I say no one I mean no one.

"Fine." I grimace.

"Yay!" She beams at me. "But now change yourself into something more presentable." I walk back and get myself a nice spaghetti strapped shirt and it also has a bunch of sparkly stuff on it. I match it off with a nice short flowy skirt and some high wedges. 

"Now that's much better." Tessie teases me.

"Now remember. Tessie, don't say anything to inappropriate or embarrassing. Something out of line. And none of those comments that you were making about what happened last night." I tell her. I secretly pray in the inside that she stays with her mouth shut. Because the things that can come out that pretty mouth of hers can be straight out freaky.

"Whatever you say mother, but I can't make no promises." Tessa smiles her trademark smile as we walk down the hall.

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