'No Thank You' Mr. King Boy

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"OhMiGod you are hot! And it's not just photoshop." Tessa says with a straight face, staring right into Vincent's blue eyes. I blush. Didn't I tell her to keep her mouth shut. But here the first thing she says is embarrassing and so straightforward. Vincent looks uncomfortable as Tessa keeps going on saying things like "Do you have an 8 pack?" "Is it true that you have a tattoo on your hip?" "Is it true that you fucked two girls at the same time, that were twin sisters?" "Have you ever considered yourself gay?" "Is it true that you were in a mental institution 4 years ago because you peed on your neighbor's fruit loops and then pushed their head into the bowl?"

I elbow her in the ribs and she turns to scowl at me. "I knew it was a date cause I don't see no other old guy you said that was coming." 

Vincent's voice is rough "Asher is running late, he'll be here in about 10 minutes."

I furrow my eyebrows "Weren't you guys friends?"

"Were, you notice the past tense." Vincent says harshly.

"Oh so you remember now." Tessa objects trying to make herself look hurt. But honestly it looks highly exaggerated.

"Well you told me you guys used to play together making mudpies didn't you?" I tell him.

"Yeah, when we were little. I was stupid back then. There is no way I would ever hang out with a hoe like her or anyone that had to do with her." Vincent says way to smugly. Now why is he acting like a jerk? Yesterday he was so sweet and nice. I expect to see Tessa burst and break down but instead an evil glint appears on her face. 

"Yeah, I mean I know, I wouldn't want to hang out with any king boy who needs to save his reputation. Why? Because you have already messed up way too many times. Do you even know with how many of those sluts you've slept with?" She kicks him under the table, hard. Her heels dig into his leg. He begins fuming full of anger.

I shrink further down in my chair. I so don't want to be here! Someone save me! Miraculously Asher appears just in time and Tessa stops kicking Vincent from under the table. But that doesn't mean she stops glaring at him. Asher sits down and greets Tessa. "Hello Ms. Tessa Stone." Wait how does she even know who she is? Wait-- she's the daughter of one of the richest man alive. She is a Stone, part of a royal family. Of course he would know who she is, anyone can recognize her pretty face.

She bows her head slightly which is ridiculous considering who Tessa is "Hello Mr. Asher." She gives him her charming smile as he sits down at the table.

"Okay so let's get right to the point." Asher says as he pulls out a folder with documents. "According to what happened last night the media found out which now everyone knows about. Mr. Gray is at risk of losing his reputation which would greatly affect his business. So I decided that for the best of both of you," He looks at me and then at Vincent. "That you should get married."

Vincent gives a pained look at his cellphone as he hears Asher's words. Tessa covers her mouth and I can tell she is enjoying the moment. She kicks me underneath the table. She mouths at me 'You finally gonna get it'. I kick her back and shoot her a dirty look.

"Is anyone going to say anything?" Asher asks annoyed. 

"And why would I want to marry him?" I point at Vincent with my finger.

Vincent looks up and scoffs "I don't want to marry her either. I don't want a clingy wife and much less one I don't love." 

"Ahhh." Asher says with a look on his face that says I know something you don't. "This is where the benefits from this marriage comes from." He takes a sip of his wine. He pulls out a paper. "This is a contract." Asher continues "So it's not a real marriage. You just have to be married for 7 months. Make everyone think you're a happy couple when you are out in public. And Walah!" Asher tells us.

"What do I get from this?" I ask because I don't want to have to deal with this rich player who I obviously can't stand.

"That's my Lilac. You go girl!" Tessa says loudly making sure Vincent hears. I blush. Why is she so blunt? I shoot her another 'You better shut up' look.

"Well I heard you are in college right." Asher confirms. "And Vincent could pay for your college without you even having to work even after the 7 month contract is over. He also has connections that could totally get your career started which would initiate great success. Plus you get access to pretty much all the money you want while you're married to Vincent." Asher is definitely trying to bribe me into this. I look at Tessa and she nods at me encouraging me to say yes.

 I'm about to agree when that jerk opens his stupid mouth "And what would I benefit from this?" Vincent asks sarcasm dripping his voice.

"Saving your reputation duh, are you retarded or what?" Tessa replies in an amused tone.

"Besides saving my reputation." Vincent deadpans.

"Well... you save the corporation you so long have been working for." He then points at me. "Lilac is the one that can make it work, you know she's what you need for this project. Plus this marriage will ease some of the pressure you have been dealing with." Asher finishes satisfied knowing we have both been convinced. 

Vincent knows it, the sour expression on his face says it all. "Fine." Vincent says through gritted teeth.

Asher looks at me "Okay." I say not very happy either.

Asher hands us the document where we have to sign. Agreeing with the whole 7 month marriage contract. I sign my name right under Vincent's. I curse myself for finding his fancy handwriting attractive. 

"Oh Mi God!" Tessa squeals a little too loudly bringing attention from a few people around us. Asher rolls his eyes at Tessa.

"Marvelous, now Vincent make a reservation at that restaurant we were talking about earlier. You'll propose their. It's all for the show. I hope both of you are good actors and can go through this looking way more lovey dovey than you do now. Maybe a bit of alcohol in your system will help." Asher whispers standing up to leave.

"I'll pick you up at 7. Don't be late." Vincent says as he gets up briskly and swiftly walks out. Leaving a very compuzzled me and a very giddy Tessa.

Tessa is now on her phone talking animatedly. "There done." She says.

"Done what?" I feel clueless but whatever she is talking about is definitely not good.

"I got a reservation at that restaurant and a date with Isaiah the guy from the party. I get to spy on you during the whole thing. It's just something I can not miss.

"Com'n let's go by us some cute dresses for tonight." Tessa is excited when it come to shopping for dresses.

"But--" Tessa cuts me off.

"It's all on me and if you don't go with me then well you are going to end up going with a slutty dress. Cause that is what I'll buy." Tessa threatens me.

"Okay, Okay! I'll go Tessie. But no more words about a slutty dress." I quickly tell her.

"Then let's go girl." She says picking up her purse.

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