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As soon as the truck hit it kept going leaving Ethan behind. All the cars stopped. While everyone called 911, I ran up to Ethan. He was sobbing with pain. But not knocked out. It looked as though every bone in his body was shattered. I started crying too. I couldn't help it seeing him like this. All I could think to do was stroke is forehead and say "it's ok , your going to be just fine.

The ambulance came, could it have been any slower !
They asked me if I wanted to go in the ambulance with him and I said yes. As we drove to the hospital I couldn't stop crying. Seeing Ethan having tubes strapped to his face and arms. He looked miserable.


Ethan was lying there in that terrible hospital bed. He was knocked out on the way to the hospital. He wouldn't wake up. "I mean it Ethan, WAKE UP!! I cried. I wasn't leaving till he did wake up. They doctor said he had broken both arms, and one leg. I was so relieved that was it.

The doctors said i should probably go home instead of being here so they had Mark pick me up. "Hows it going? he asked as I hopped into the car. "Not great!" Laughed/cried. "I know its hard. He's not dead, so I guess thats optimistic! He said. I laughed. "Is everybody at the studio?" "yep. Waiting for you to finally come home from that hospital." "I just couldn't bare to leave Ethan there by himself. I'm scared Mark." It will all be ok Abbi." It will all be ok.

Sorry for short chapter but a big one is coming soon!

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