Where are you?

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I had visited the hospital everyday for the past week now. He still hasn't woken up. They say he only has a 50/50 chance. Im scared.

His subscribers were very confused as to why he's been gone. We decided to keep it quite, but eventually we did need to tell them. We just didn't want them to freak out. We all made a video to post on Mark and Ethan's channels. Olivia, Mark, Mia, Savaha, and Tyler and I, all turned on the camera. "Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today is not going to be the normal videos you see on the channel." he started tearing up. Olivia wiped it away with her thumb, and hugged Mark around his back. He didn't care, we all knew they were perfect for each other. "Well here I go, Ethan is seriously injured. He was hit by a truck , but the truck didn't stop." Now I started crying. Good job abbi good job.

"What is up my cranky crew its "Abbi" from crankgameplays. I decided to do his intro for him. Well here I go I said to myself in my head. "Ethan was hit by a truck last week. He has been unconcious from then till i dont know."Then I started crying. "We just thought you guys should know" Mia said.

"He.... only.... has a 50/50.....chance to live."I said between sniffles.(is that a word, probably 😂) "Well, we just wanted to fill you in." Said mark. And as always "see you in the next video." We all said in unison. Then Savanna turned off the camera.

Sorry I haven't posted I've been really sick.

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