Run Away

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Chapter 4
(The next day)
Rachel's pov:
I walked into my foster house to see my foster mom waiting for me with a beer in her hand.

"Look what the cat dragged in." She said obviously drunk.

"Shouldn't you be on the pole or something." I said rudely .

"Oh what you think you're better than me because you're out of high school. Well let me tell you something little miss trash , no body ever wanted you and the only reason you're going to college is because the state is paying for it. If it was my choice you stay here in this dump." She told me coming close .

"Well I guess it's a good thing I'm not trailer trash like you . " I said .

She threw the bottle down and slapped me then threw me against the wall.

"Listen you bitch I could kill you in one second if it weren't for the fact you paid for my bills. You're lucky to even live here." She said .

"You smell like piss." I said .

She got angry and started to beat the crap out of me.

"You wanna piss me off let's go fight me bitch!" She yelled hitting me.

"Get away!" I yelled.

"What are you going to do? You have no parents !" She yelled and started to hit me.

(30 minutes later)
I sat in the corner of my room with two black eyes and dry blood from my nose . I got up and pulled out my suitcase and started to pack. I put all my clothes and then a picture of my mom and dad when they were young . I looked at the back and it said ,

"New York City 1995. "

I decided it was time to meet them and the only way to do that was run away.

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