What Happened To You

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Chapter 8
Finns pov:
Rachel drove to a motel and we parked in the lot . She turned off the car and looked at me ,

"Okay Finn, what happened to you back there ?" She asked me .

I didn't speak and I looked out the window .

"You can tell me , I won't judge ." She told me .

"How do I know?" I asked her .

"Because I'm your friend , and true friends don't judge they listen ." She said taking my hand .

I looked at her in those beautiful brown eyes and said ,

"My dad killed himself 3 months ago, he was the person that cared about me and so after he died I just felt numb so, one morning when I got up I just couldn't do it anymore so I decided to end it all . That's why I have these bandages on my wrist ." I told me .

She looked at me as if she was about to cry and then she took my wrist and she kissed them both and said ,

"You're not alone anymore , you have me ."  She said and gave me a hug .

Hey everyone please do me a huge favor and check out my newest fiction book Girl In Progress, now on my page .


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