Pink Sunglasses

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Chapter 13
(The next day)
Finns pov:
It's been three days since I let Rachel go and Ive missed her ever since . My mom set me up with a therapist in order to make sure I don't try anything. She also put me back in rehab so I could get better , but really she just wants me drugged up so I don't try to escape again . I was outside on my balcony in the same clothes I wore yesterday thinking about Rachel . I didn't wanna leave her but it was the only way to know she would be safe again . The truth is I love her and I know it's only been a couple days but they were the most exciting days of my life . She's my everything, the girl I love, the girl with the pink sunglasses . I put my hand in my pocket and then pulled out Rachel's pink sunglasses. She must've put them in there when she gave me a hug . I smiled and then I realized something, I need her , I can't live without her .

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